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    Jeff Newland

      Sunday night was good.  Only bad thing is sun is setting so late now.  Around 10 before things really start to show up.  View of the 3 planet conjunction is pretty much over now.  I saw Jupiter with binoculars way down towards the horizon is the clouds.  Venus showed up nice and bright and found Mercury above that.  Now is a good time to see Mercury.  It is quite high and set well after 10 on Sunday.  It was a little cool.  I headed home a little after 11:00.  Found a few Messiers and 4 planets and a couple of nice doubles, Iota Cancri and Albireo.  The Summer Triangle was well up when I left.  A great night!

      I hope Friday will be clear and perhaps we can get out to Eagle Bluff? 

      Dean Johnson

        Stuppo, Ellenvega and I also got out Sunday night. I used my Celestron 11" for the 1st time. Wow, now I know what Jerome has been enjoying all these years. We saw the triple alignment of Mercury, Venus & Jupiter, then looked at Saturn. After that we did Leo's triplet, M13, M5, M57, M27, M81/82, Albireo, M97, the Veil Nebula, M6 & M7, M8, M22, M17, M25, M16 and made an intense search for Barnard's Star in Ophiuchus. I'm pretty sure we had the right starfield, but which star was Barnard's was uncertain. Star hopping from Beta Ophiuchus to the location was interesting because we took the time to look at the open cluster IC 4665. It's big bright & pretty.

        Steve left at 10:30, but Barb and I hung out till 2 a.m. There is no quit in that girl.

        Eagle Bluff has some families with kids coming in this weekend, but the parking lot lights should be off by 9:30. Dawn said that they would probably be interested in looking through the scopes if the weather co-operates. I hope it does, it's been a long time since the RAC has gotten out together.

        Clear skies, Sunday night was AGNFA!!

        Dave Gross

          Looks like it will be clear for a few hours tonight at Eagle Bluff.  Are people planning on going?  I may be bringing 3 college age girls (including my daughter) if the stars align.

          If anyone has an Orion "Shorty" 2x barlow lens and can bring it, I'd appreciate trying it out on my scope tonight.

          — Dave

          Dave Gross

            Hm.  They changed the forecast.  Doesn't look good now…

            Jeff Newland

              Hmm, might be interesting.  Looks like it is possible quite a bit of the time from 9 to midnight might be clear.  CSC has a couple of hour from 10 – 12 at not the worst.  πŸ™‚  Hourly on weather.com has it getting to mostly clear at 9 and then clear for 10 and 11 and partly cloudy by midnight.  Hmm.

              Dave Gross

                You must be looking at the Rochester map, Jeff.  Check out Eagle Bluff.  Not as nice there.

                — Dave

                Dean Johnson

                  Boy does this weather SUCK!! >:(

                  Tonight looks like LOCAL OBSERVING ONLY, if that, and tomorrow night looks worse. πŸ˜›

                  I'm going to pull out the last reserve in my arsenal and tend bar at the Legion. That is the RAC's only chance of the skies miraculously clearing and having AGNFA! ???

                  Jeff Newland

                    Thanks Dean, that might be what we need.  πŸ˜‰

                    Some of the satellite images look like there could be some holes in the clouds.  Would be nice if those clouds would just clear out this evening for a little while.  πŸ™‚

                    Dave Gross

                      If Dean pulls off a last minute miracle, will anyone head to Keller?

                      Jeff Newland

                        I'm up for Keller, but I'll be looking out my window and if doesn't clear up quite a bit, I probably won't be going.  Unless you say you'll head there Dave.  πŸ™‚

                        Dave Gross

                          I agree with you.  I'll check back at 8:00 and decide then.  Go outside and blow real hard!

                          Jeff Newland

                            Well Dave, it may depend on how much you want some scope time.  It looks like we should have some clear areas in the sky.  πŸ™‚

                            Dave Gross

                              I'm game.  I've never been to Keller.  Is there a sign where the parking lot is?  What time will you be there?

                              Jeff Newland

                                Hi Dave,  no, there isn't any sign.  I would say the best thing for people who want to go there is to go some time during the day so they can see where it is and then go at night.  πŸ™‚   
                                It is on top of a hill.  Coming from the north, there is a driveway on the left going up the hill.  Just past it on the right is another house with a yard light that is usually on.  The parking lot is ringed with evergreen trees. 
                                Not sure, almost looks like more clouds coming in.  πŸ™
                                I'll be there a little after 9:00.  Not sure how long it would take you to get there?  We could perhaps make one last call at around 8:45 or so in case these clouds continue to come in.  πŸ™‚


                                Dave Gross

                                  Ok. Yeah it won't take me long to get there.

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