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    bernie engels

      any plans for viewing this Fri night?  I am taking my family to the family night at Mayo High School planetarium in the evening, but it sounds like the skies might clear by dark(cross your fingers and toes…).

      bernie engels

        ok, so the forcst is not so great after all…
        NWS says that this month will go down as the fourth cloudiest May on record. 
        I'm moving. >:(

        Dean Johnson

          Hang in there, Bernie.

          We still love you.

          Dean Johnson

            It looks like it might be possible to get out tonight. The cloud cover is spotty, transparency so-so and poor seeing, but a heck of a lot better than lately.

            Not an Eagle Bluff night, though.

            Any thoughts on Sat. night, if the forecast is better?


              Would like to get out, if possible.

              Randy H

                Might be driveway at best for me tonight.  Saturday looks iffy at best, but if it opens up, I'd be game.
                Next year is looking is looking promising though…

                Dean Johnson

                  It will be the Flatin Farm hayfield, if anything. If I don't get out tonight, I'd be shut out for the month of May for the 1st time in 11 years.

                  Randy, next YEAR looks good!??! If you can nail that, you'll be the next Nostradamus!

                  Dean Johnson

                    Stuppo went out to the Flatin Farm hayfield. I was going to go out there with my binocs to snag some Binocular Double Stars off the list.

                    He just called and said, "Don't bother. It's going to be all clouds real soon."

                    Oh well……………

                    bernie engels

                      one heck of a lightning show going on here in NE Rochester, like I haven't seen in years!  My kids and I enjoyed it from the front porch.  My boy was so cute, with his little play station camera "mooing" every time he tripped the shutter 😀


                        Sunday night looks very nice.

                        Dean Johnson

                          I tell you what, astronomy fans, I am ready to get some telescope time.

                          It will be the Flatin Farm hayfield for me on Sunday night, unless we get an unusual response for Eagle Bluff.

                          Jeff Newland

                            That sounds like an idea Dean.  I'll have to think about it.  Perhaps Keller for me?  Maybe..    Anyone else?

                            Dean Johnson

                              I'm going to the Flatin Farm hayfield. I have to plant trees tomorrow.

                              Let's go get some stars! This will be our best chance until next weekend!

                              Jeff Newland

                                Quite a few thin clouds out there, but I think they are thinning out a little more.  I'm pretty sure I'll  head out to Keller for a bit.
                                Anyone interested, head on out.  It will be late before much shows up, sunset is like 8:45.  See if I can catch what is left of the 3 planet conjunction.  🙂


                                Jeff Newland

                                  I'm heading out to Keller.  Doesn't look too bad now.  Probably won't be there too long.  Head on out if you have time.  🙂

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