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      Although the weather isn't looking too good right now, this weekend at Eagle Bluff is open for us. Possible Messier Marathon! Stay tuned…


        Definetly a washout.  🙁


          maybe next weekend?

          Randy H

            Dean and I will be at Eagle Bluff tonight.


            Captain Kirk

              Elvis is open for business!

              John Attewell

                Randy and Kirk:  How was the observing on Friday night at Eagle Bluff?  Did you see Comet 41P?  I was unsuccessful locating it from my backyard because the city lights, in combination with a little too much humidity, did not afford good viewing.  —  John Attewell


                  Jay and I didn't see the comet from our backyards in SE Roch (actually closer to Marion) on 3-31.  We did get to better collimate my Meade 8" SCT however (thanks Jay!).  After Jay left Jupiter was rising and the photo below (a single frame with the Orion 5 MP camera) was a notable improvement (for me anyway!) in showing Jupiter detail. (Most of the zonal bands and the Great Red Spot are visible).


                  Randy H

                    Yes, we were able to easily see 41P at E.B.  It had an irregular shaped, not quite circular, but no tail to be had.  The Cocoon galaxy in Canes Venatici was another highlight.
                    We were out until about 12:30 when the wispy clouds took over. However, once we packed up, everything cleared up. Typical. Toasted the night sky with a beverage and went home.
                    But it was good to see Elvis alive and well; performing admirably.


                      Great meeting and venue last night Randy.  Couldn't resist opening the dome and getting Jupiter in the cross hairs again. Initially didn't see the Red Spot but after 2 hrs it was appearing and after another half-hour (now about 12:45) took some images.  Seeing was OK and took some video and stacked images for the photo below.



                        Jupiter remains an awesome target for small telescopes all of April (and most of the early summer).  Hopefully we'll have clear skies for the evenings of the NCRAL.  I will bring my 8"SCT and Orion 5MP camera and flat panel to show Jupiter and later Saturn.
                        The images below were from that setup.  The rapid Jupiter rotation is evident as the Red Spot comes into view over 20 minutes in the top three images.  Note also a moon shadow (? which moon uncertain).  The image below was exposed to show Jupiter's moons, one of which appears on the left.  The disc of Jupiter was overexposed so I cut and pasted Jupiter's disc (a bit less noisy due to image stacking) at 11:00 pm from the video taken about the same time.


                        Josef Ch

                          When:    Saturday May 6th 2017 from 9 PM to 11 PM
                          Where:  Parking of the Roy Watson Youth Sports Complex, Rochester, MN 55901
                                        North of Soccer fields at Essex Pkwy; near West River Pkwy NW and 41st ST NW
                          GPS:    44.067833, -92.475916
                          Google map:  https://goo.gl/maps/Wxm1w5UHDaG2
                          Observing program: Jupiter, Moon, Double stars

                          Please invite family, friends, neighbors, coworkers.
                          For last minute announcements follow up Rochester Astronomy Club (RAC)  facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rochesterastronomy/

                          John Attewell

                            I think Josef means Saturday May 6th, not April 6th. 

                            See you there!

                            Josef Ch

                              It's already May?  🙂 Thanks, John! Fixed, I hope.

                              Jeff Newland

                                Hmm,  Randy was asking for people to help out at a different event on Saturday. 


                                So which one to help out?  Perhaps the Music of the Spheres people could be told to go to the soccer fields if they want to see things?

                                Josef Ch

                                  Thanks, Jeff. I was not aware of that.
                                  Randy wrote on May 1st at http://rochesterskies.org/forums/index.php?topic=657.msg6673#msg6673

                                  The Choral Arts Ensemble's "Music of the Spheres" concert is on Saturday May 6 at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church here in Rochester. (1212 12th Ave NW)
                                  The concert concludes around 9pm and they are asking if we could provide some astronomical viewing just after the show as folks leave.
                                  Let me know if you'd be free.  A waning gibbous moon and Jupiter with its satellites and Great Red Spot should be viewable weather permitting.

                                  So it looks like this event is intended for people leaving concert.
                                  For "Music of Speres" so far responded Bob Fealey and you.

                                  I am committed to "soccer field" with Mike Carlin and I saw also response from John Attewell.

                                  I think we can handle both events. Soccer field we can publicly broadcast, I sent email to Randy and Bill this morning.

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