Not looking so good with the hazy smoky skies. We’re probably going to skip Eagle Bluff tonight. Plus the moon doesn’t set until after 1am. Nice for lunar observing though!
Ugh! Couldn’t be there that night. However I did some observing of the sun the day of 9-6-2021. As many of you may know the sun is ramping up it’s sunspot activity and currently is quite impressive. Yesterday I took a short video using the Starblast 4.5 in reflector with the Orion 6.3M pixel color camera. A single frame, (enhanced a little in Photoshop Elements) with the official SOHO sunspot numbers, is shown below.
While under poor seeing conditions Jupiter still put on a good show just after midnight 9-19-2021. Image below used Meade 10″ SCT and Orion 6.3 M pixel color camera. Some image stacking with Registax6 and Photoshop Elements enhancement.
Saturn on 9/23/2021.6 Seeing was better than last 2 days but certainly not great. Again used a 10″ Meade SCT with the Orion 6.3 M pixel color camera. Use Autostakker + Registax 6 to enhance.