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I was out last night aurora hunting from 1-3am, but I didn't see anything. Very cool orange moonset – even though it's from the AZ wildfires. I took the opportunity to try star trails for the first time with my new camera! I'm going to try to make it down to the BBQ this year with all my camping & camera gear. Here are two of my attempts, what do you think?
F5.6, ISO 800, 512 s exposure at 18mm
Pointed at the Big Dipper
F5.6, ISO 800, 240 s exposure at 18mm
Pointed at ScorpiusIf there's a group heading out to Eagle Bluff sometime soon, let me know – I'd love to stop out since I'm not far from there! Also, when's the StarBQ? =)
Is anyone going out tonight?
Jonathan Tomshine was put on a wait-list for an Astro-Physics Mach1GTO mount a year or two ago. It's now available for him to purchase, but he doesn't need it. Does anyone want his spot in line? It's pricey, but well-reviewed. Here's a link:
I went out last night for a bit, and around 2:00am saw a near Earth asteroid fly-by…it was amazing – must have landed somewhere near Dean's house. Definitely AGNFA! 😀
I'd like to join you guys on the next astronomy outing – all your talk on the forum has made me jealous enough to take a break from my studies! 😀 So, let me know – Eagle Bluff isn't that far from Winona.
Does anyone have a red headlamp for sale, or know where I can get one?
Dean, I'm pretty sure it's still below the horizon. Here's a photo, if that helps.
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From my location in Winona it's a few degrees below the horizon even @ the "best" viewing time on Starry Night. I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make if I changed the location to Flatin Farm…but what is the exact lat & long?
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My first observing session @ WSU – they have a brand new 12". I saw M13 (Hercules Cluster), Jupiter w/four moons, the double star in Ursa Major & also the moon up close (in an 8" scope). For the first time I also saw Uranus! I'm going back tonight since it's homecoming, to help out.
I got out last night @ the StarBQ! Therefore, it's time to post my first observing note. 😀
I bagged M31, M32 & M110 for my first three of the Messier list. Randy, Kirk, Dean & Duane helped me see many others, including M81 & 82, M6, M7, M8, M24 w/B92 & B93, M27, NGC 6720, NGC 6514, NGC 6705, NGC 6618, NGC 5194 w/NGC 5195, Jupiter with Callisto, Ganymede, Io & Europa, Albireo, an iridium flare, the ISS AND a meteor at approximate -7 magnitude in Draco with a 2:30s duration!!
Whew. And I think I'm allowed to finally say it, it was AGNFA! 😀
My first forum post for observations!! Duane & I went over some constellations & bright stars @ his observatory, and also "bagged":
M3; M13; M57; two of the Leo Triplet; Albireo; Titan, Rhea, Dione, Mimas & Enceladus (right, Duane?); and three meteors!
Dean, four words: the race is on!
Anything I missed, Duane? 😀