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    bernie engels

      Sorry I couldn't come out last night.  How was EB? Who was there?
      I stayed in my neighborhood, set up the scope in the park, and let the kids have a look at the planets.  Not sure who got the biggest kick out of Saturn, the kids or their parents!  Also, my wife and I saw the iridium flare at 8:52.  Did anyone else see it?  I couldn't believe we could make it out, being as light out as it was 😮
      Jeff, I was able to find M81/82 and 104.  Thanks for your "tutelage" last Sat.

      Jeff Newland

        Bernie, glad I was able to help.  If you would have been out to Eagle Bluff, I would have given you a little "cookielage" to help in your searches.  🙂

        EB was nice, just no meteors.  🙁    An AGNFA otherwise.  Can't remember who said it, but someone said there were probably fewer meteors than we usually see… so much for a storm!  At least, that is the way it was before I left.  I don't know if it picked up after that.  I left a little after 1:30 and Dean and Barb were still there and some others.  Hopefully Dave's and then my leaving caused a few meteors to show up for the others.  🙂

        We had 4 scopes, mine, Dave, Barb, and Dean.  A few others also showed up to watch for meteors.  I think 10 of us all together?  A fun time!


          We didn't have much luck with meteors later, either.  Suffice it to say the 'storm' was a dud.

          Tomorrow night also looks clear, Eagle Bluff available?

          Dean Johnson

            Eagle Bluff is available, but I can't be there, too much going on with Laura graduating this weekend.

            Eagle Bluff's number is 507 467-2437 so you can get the 4 digit code for the bathroom. It is usually Dawn who is the receptionist these days.

            As far as last weekend went, the Camelopardalids were indeed a bust. We saw three from the radiant, but 3 all night does not match the hype preceding the "non-event". Oh well, we got some great planetary viewing in, plus I nailed 3 carbon stars for my latest observing list.

            We'll see something spectacular sometime. Like Jeff said, "except for meteors, it was AGNFA!"

            bernie engels

              My wife's mom will be in town from Michigan this weekend, so I will be lucky if I can get my scope out on the front steps tonight.
              Like my mama always said, "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the cosmos will show you" (or something like that).

              Randy H

                I'm planning on coming down to EB tonight. Saturday night looks too iffy. I'll bring WALL-E too.

                Dave Gross

                  I'll be there with a couple "guests".

                  — Dave

                  Jeff Newland

                    Last night was just wonderful at Eagle Bluff, for sure an AGNFA.

                    I believe we had 10 people and 7 scopes.  I think Randy had WALL-E set up as well.  Mainly Rochester folks, but we also had Nathan from Winona.  Randy pulled an accidental 'partial' 'Kirk'.  He got there a little late because he had to replace the flat tire on his trailer, not really that late, barely 'Kirkish'.  Meanwhile, going 'total' 'Kirk' was Captain Kirk himself.  He slipped in sometime along the way.

                    Early during the observing we had visitors.  Eagle Bluff was hosting a women's trout fishing group and we probably had 1-2 dozen of them show up.  Not sure what all everyone showed them, at various times I showed Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, M13, M57, M104, Albireo.  Perhaps others that escape me.  Plenty of oh's and ah's!

                    The surprise of the night was that after midnight we had a Duane Deal and family sighting.  They came to take in the sights and Duane also had requests to see some of his favorites. 

                    All in all an fantastic night!  AGNFA!

                    Jeff Newland

                      Surprisingly, looking like it may be clear tomorrow night, Friday night.  If we can find a dry spot, anyone interested in observing?  Moon comes up at 1:50 in the morning.  I'll be heading home or at home by that time.  🙂

                      Jeff Newland

                        Anyone interested in heading out to Keller tonight?  Doesn't look too bad.  Eagle Bluff?  Not sure if I want to go that far, but if it is open and a bunch of people plan to head out there… then perhaps I'd head there.  Anyway…  Keller anyone?

                        Dean Johnson

                          The Flatin Farm for me. We just got back from Laura's freshman orientation and I've had no chance to contact EB to see what's going on there.

                          Tomorrow night at EB?

                          Jim Blackwell

                            I will be at Keller if the clear sky holds


                              This is aggravating.  Clear pretty much all day, but glancing outside I could see some clouds.  I just looked at the satellite map, and there's a big blob of clouds coming up from the southwest straight at Rochester!

                              Dean, EB might work for us tomorrow night.  Forecast right now says it should be clear…

                              Jeff Newland

                                I'll be heading out to Keller with the thought those clouds will stay south and somewhat disperse.  🙂  Besides, won't be able to see much until almost 10PM anyway.  The clouds will slide right on by.. by then.  🙂

                                Dean Johnson

                                  Right now I can see a hint of clear skies on the very northern horizon, but 80% of the sky is blocked by high thin cloud cover. From the KTTC radar picture, it seems as though it will stay that way.

                                  I will contact Eagle Bluff tomorrow to see what their schedule is. I hope we can catch a break.

                                  If there was a factory in the Atacama desert, I'd move there.

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