Home Forums RAC Main Forum General Discussion Good camping spots for observing.

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  • #13353
    John Martin

      Any suggestions for some camping locations within a few hours of here that are good for observing?  Maybe some of you know of some spots that you have tried and liked or tried and disliked? thanks!

      Luka B

        Whitewater is good for camping, but the campground is in a valley, so only good for observing if you want to see things over 45° up. The new campground(across street from visitor center) has small trees, so might be better than the older one. The skies are dark, and lights weren’t a problem when I was there, but it’s been a few years.


        Lake Louise SP is in a dark sky region. I’ve never been there though.



          Lake Louise should have dark skies but there are lots of mature trees. The closest area (swimming beach) to the parking lot looks out over the small lake and western-southwestern skies seem to be non-obstructed by trees. Areas along the Lake view trail have no trees to block the sky (see map of the park here https://files.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/state_parks/spk00214.pdf).

          John Martin

            Thank you both! If course, I did not have notifications for this thread turned on so I am just seeing your replies now.

            I booked a rustic cabin on the edge of a field in Utica that I am going to try out this weekend. I’ll see how it goes!

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