Home Forums RAC Main Forum Outreach Programs Music of the Spheres

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  • #10199
    Randy H

      The Choral Arts Ensemble's "Music of the Spheres" concert is on Saturday May 6 at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church here in Rochester. (1212 12th Ave NW)
      The concert concludes around 9pm and they are asking if we could provide some astronomical viewing just after the show as folks leave.
      Let me know if you'd be free.  A waning gibbous moon and Jupiter with its satellites and Great Red Spot should be viewable weather permitting.


      Jeff Newland

        Randy,  I should be available.  Post if it is a go or no go.  Looks like it is a waxing gibbous moon.  Seeing where Jupiter and the moon were last night, they will probably be very close together by Saturday.



          Hi Randy.  I should be free and able to bring over a small telescope.  Do you know the layout of the setup spot so we cans see the S sky?

          Randy H

            Thanks! We are invited to the program which starts at 7:30 if you are interested.
            http://www.choralartsensemble.org/music-of-the-spheres. I'm going to try to catch at least part of it.

            I believe we will be able to set up in the parking lot directly to the south of the church.
            I will post go-nogo tomorrow but it's looking good.


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