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  • #10197
    Randy H

      Took this picture with an iPhone 6 and the Explore Scientific 102mm refractor tonight.
      Go Moon.



        Nice one Randy!  Here's one I just took with an Orion 4.5 inch Starblast with 26 mm eyepiece projection setup on a Canon Rebel T5



          Not a 'supermoon' anymore but still super to view and photograph.  This morning's moon in Leo was taken about 4:30 am.  Using prime focus had to take two shots to get the whole lit portion.  Put together in Photoshop Elements and slightly enhanced.
          EDIT:  In case you noticed I did not take this in '2017' !!!
          Corrected to '2016' in photo below.
          EDIT, EDIT:  Another 'whoops'!  I just looked at the setting moon in the West and realized I had inverted my photo but failed to rotate it.  Hopefully I have it right now!!!


          Josef Ch

            Beautiful pictures of the Moon! I love Morning Moon!


              Those are nice!

              I do not see the nuclear power plant cooling tower. I am thinking that is mumbo-jumbo pseudoscience. 😉

              I have a crumby photo of the moon between Venus and Mars, but I was FREEZING, so it is just a few quick snaps with my phone camera. :-/ I was back "home" in Bowman, ND at the time. I should have grabbed my real camera, as the Stellarium view was much better.

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