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    Dean Johnson

      Hello astronomy fans! I called Eagle Bluff. They do have groups in, but we should be able to use the upper parking lot and have the lights off.

      The CSC for EB looks VERY favorable. I'll be there.

      Jerome Taubel

        I'll be at Eagle Bluff on Friday night also.

        Jeff Newland

          I think we'll be at Eagle Bluff tonight, too.  Forecast doesn't look too bad.

          Dean Johnson

            I'll be at Eagle Bluff, but can't make it until 9:30-10 p.m.

            If the parking lot lights are on, somebody take charge ask to have them turned off, but I have been assured that they will be off.

            Dawn also said "We'll keep the door unlocked for the bathroom."

            We should be set!

            Dave Gross

              I'm in!  Aaron Johnson might join me and I'll see if I can round up a few teenagers also.


                I also plan to be there.

                Randy H

                  Nebraska Star Party-like wind.
                  Mosquitos struggle to find skin.
                  The night should be clear
                  to seek stars with our peers.
                  I wonder if Dean will bring … beverages.

                  Pop corn at midnight.
                  Meet me at the trailer.



                    Looks great, I'll be there too
                    Alan Cameron

                    Dean Johnson

                      I got out July 18th, with an old classmate from New York and his family. Just showed them "the Obvious Stuff", but they loved it.

                      Sat. nite Steve and I got out, looked at the Lunar craters above and below the Aristarchus Plateau, saw the Rumker hills (Montes Rumker, Lunar II target). Steve is making pretty good progress on the Lunar 100.

                      But one of the more unusual nights I've had in astronomy was last night. I went out to observe Moonrise. A huge band of low clouds hung above my head. I had everything in the van, but just took out my lawn chair and binocs in case anything showed up. I made sure my journal was up to snuff, read a little in Burnham's about Barnard's Star, but as light faded, I could still see about 2 degrees of clear sky on the eastern horizon.

                      I put my journal away and stared at the horizon. I could see a little hint of brightening with averted vision in a little dip to the east. Sure enough here came the Moon, a yellowish pumkin orange. It took 2 minutes to clear the horizon, went thru a band of clouds and ever so slowly kept on rising into another clear band. The terminator was on the eastern edge of Mare Crisium with Endymion, Cleomedes and Langrenus right there as well. Finally it rose into the solid cloud cover and Tycho was the last, biggest feature to disappear. I watched it from 9:35 to 9:55 p.m. It was beautiful. I didn't see a single star, but no matter, it was still AGNFA!


                        What's the plans for this weekend?  EB or Keller? 

                        Quick look at the extended weather looks like it is promising, mostly clear at night, near calm winds. Dew points may be a concern.

                        Dean Johnson

                          Hello astronomy fans, Eagle Bluff is a GO for this weekend. Dawn emailed me, and there's nothing going on.

                          I have both Fri & Sat night open, so now it all depends on the weather.


                            Saturday night looking the best…

                            Dean Johnson

                              The early part of tonight is indeed looking iffy for Eagle Bluff. 11 p.m. on looks pretty good.

                              Steve wants to get out both nights, but would get more telescope time in if we went to the Flatin Farm tonight.

                              I'm open to anything. The Oakes Forestry boys have taken yesterday and today off from the woods, so it is home repair for me today. I'm getting out one way or another for some stars.

                              Let's hear some ideas! ;D


                                I won't be at Eagle Bluff tonight.  Saturday night I can.

                                Dave Gross

                                  11:00 is late to start for lightweights like me.  I'd be in for Saturday night.

                                  — Dave

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