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    Dave Gross

      I'm able to go to EB Friday or Saturday.  Let me know what the plans are.

      — Dave

      Jerome Taubel

        I could make Friday night but not Saturday. I think for Dean's sake aiming for Saturday would be best.  I know it is generally easier for Randy to make Saturday nights, too.  Let me know what is decided. If Friday, we'll attend.

        Jerome and Jillissa

        Dean Johnson

          You don't have to worry about me, I hope the RAC finally takes advantage of all this nice weather. This has been the worst year for observing since 2002.

          I will be there Saturday night, but if you folks want to get together without me, I'm O.K. with that, too. You all know I love you.

          The RAC rocks!


            I've been a little disappointed with the weather lately. When I retire, it's cloudy, the when I wake up (4:30am) it's clear.  🙁  I'd like to know when it clears up so I (We) can get out and see something.

            Based on the weather predictions, our plans are to go out to Keller (assuming it's reasonably clear around 9-10pm) — rather than drive down to Eagle Bluff followed by a cloudy & miserable drive back.

            I also found out that our niece is really interested in astronomy. Several of us were up on the roof watching fireworks and looking for constellations last night. I think she knows more constellations than I do. Looking forward to introducing her at an upcoming outing.


              Saturday night works out better for me.  Weather-wise… they both look questionable.  It's super hazy and there's rain showers around.  If Sat. is good I'll be out there (EB).

              Randy H

                Yes, tonight's skies are so-so. Lynne and I have spent the last several days (and tonight) painting walls inside. Love it. Can't tell you how much I enjoy getting a sore neck w/o any stars to be the cause of it. We're heading to the Chicago area first thing in the morning for a family reunion so tomorrow night is out for me too.  Hopefully many of you can get out. Agenda will be light for Tuesday's meeting, so we'll need lots of observing notes!  I'll put that out later this weekend. Have brush must travel!



                Dean Johnson

                  Hello astronomy fans! Anybody up for Eagle Bluff tonight?

                  I'll go, if anyone else is interested, if not then it's the Flatin Farm for me.

                  Jeff Newland

                    I was starting to think Eagle Bluff until I looked out the window and looked at the CSC.  Hmm. 


                      I'm confused. On the way home last night (9pm) it was cloudy. Watching the news wasn't much better. Then when I woke up (3:30am) there were no clouds, so I went out on the patio. Not bad viewing but the sun came up too early. I'm sure the slight wind helped — and kept the mosquitoes away also!!

                      It's been like that the last three nights. So-so forecasts, clouds when going to sleep, and then by morning (4:30ish) it's clear.  who knows what tonight will be like.

                      Since AstroMom is going to see Henry V tomorrow, we won't be going to EB. Keller is more likely — depending if the clouds and rain old off.

                      We'll check back closer to 9-10pm.

                      Dean Johnson

                        I just finished talking with Ellenvega, and she says, yes indeed, "the radar is showing clouds out to the west, it is hard to tell what is going to happen, and maybe local observing only would be the way to go".

                        With so many diehard observers either out, or on the fence, let's just call tonight "LOCAL OBSERVING ONLY". Eagle Bluff is a long way to go on an iffy forecast.

                        Next weekend might work out, RAC brothers and sisters, a 5 day old Moon to start, an early Moonset, plus if it is clear, we'd have a longer night not bothered by 4th of July weekend plans.

                        I'm heading to the Flatin Farm. If any of you get out, I wish you AGNFA!


                          Is Eagle Bluff open this weekend on the probably very slim chance that there might be a cloudless weekend night?

                          Jeff Newland

                            Dean was going to check with Eagle Bluff about Friday.  Hopefully it will be a clear night.

                            For those in Rochester, if you can stay up a little late, tomorrow, Wednesday, looks like a clear night.  Right now Alan, I, and perhaps Dave are thinking of heading out to Keller.


                              Jeff, the forecast for tonight looks excellent.  I plan to get to Keller.

                              Jeff Newland

                                Ok Alan, I'll head out there, too.  Two for Keller tonight.  Anyone else, head on out.  We'll be there.  Bring your bug spray.  🙂

                                Jeff Newland

                                  I'm heading out to Keller, see you all there.

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