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    Dean Johnson

      Stup and I had a great night. While I was set up and waiting for him to arrive, I found Venus in binoculars, the 1st appearance of the Evening Star since the transit. Steve found it first naked eye. Then we took an observation of Jupiter, all 4 Galileans and the bands visible, but it's starting to get a little shimmering around the edges. Saturn was great, but not far up enough for a decent look. I saw two moons for sure (Titan of course) and hints of others.

      I was going to go back to it, but then we got into some obscure stuff. I pointed out Delta Corvi. Steve couldn't find it at first, but I showed him that and about 15 minutes later we could see the split of the double naked eye. Stuppo went after the Leo triplet and I tried Iota Cancri. We both got fooled for an hour. He was ranging too far from his target FOV and I was fooled by an 8th mag. wide double near Iota. Once I found Iota thru my telescope, I went back to the binocs and finally could split it, but it looks VERY different at 15X than 81X.

      Steve found the Leo triplet and you should have heard how excited he was. That was wonderful. We both have to work in the morning, but what AGNFA! The best part was being out there in a t-shirt and not having to put on a sweatshirt or a coat all night long. Urrragh!!!

      Jeff Newland

        Yes, it was nice out there on Tuesday night.  I didn't go the t-shirt route, but you probably could have done that.  It was warm enough, saw my first couple of mosquitoes of the year, but they weren't biting.  🙂

        I didn't know Venus was becoming visible.  I may have to look for that the next time out.  Looks like it might be too low for Keller, but will have to take a look for it.  It looks like at the end of the month (26 or 27) Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury will be all close together.  Something to look for then.

        Tuesday, just looking at a few of the same as the last time.  The only thing new was M13 in Hercules.  It was finally above the trees on the east side of Keller.  Started out with Jupiter.  Jupiter's moon had what I sort of think of as a 'classic' look, two moons on each side and it almost a straight line.  😉

        Saturn was looking nice.  We could discern what looked like a few moons, Titan, for sure and perhaps 3 others.

        Leo Triplet for sure, M81 and M82, and Whirlpool.  As Dean says, another AGNFA!

        Jeff Newland

          Anyone looking to go out tonight?  Looks like perhaps the wind and clouds may hold off until after midnight.  I think I'll at least head to Keller unless people are looking to go to Eagle Bluff?

          Dean Johnson

            I tell you what, astronomy fans, tonight doesn't look too bad, like Jeff said. The CSC gives us a GO, at least until midnight.

            I'm pretty sure I still have to tend bar. If I go stargazing, my fellow friend and bartender Mark would have to take both Sat and Sun nite shifts.

            Is anyone interested in Eagle Bluff? Or should we go with Local Observing Only?

            I just got back from the woods. Jump on the forum and I'll check again after I get cleaned up.

            Randy H

              I'm could go either Keller or EB. If Dean can't get out of the Legion duties, then go Keller. I might be working with the 'most unusual telescope'  tonight.

              Dean Johnson

                I have to regretfully say, that I can't get out tonight. If you get clouded out tonight and are up for a road trip, you can always grab "Last Call" at our beloved American Legion Post 249 in good old Spring Grove, Minnesota.

                I hope you have the clearest skies possible. Please post the forum as to the results.

                Jeff Newland

                  Sounds like Keller then instead of Eagle Bluff?

                  Randy H

                    Jeff, give me a call twofivefour-twofivefiveseven

                    Jeff Newland

                      Hmm, not looking quite as nice as it was earlier.  🙁
                      Hey, that's ok.  We'll be heading out to Keller anyway.  Anyone else interested, come on out.  🙂

                      Jeff Newland

                        It turned out not to be too bad last night.  Driving over to Keller and there were clouds to the north and northwest and west, but they were all pretty low in the sky.  Looked like it could get bad, but luckily most of the clouds hung back while we were out there.  🙂  We didn't stay too long.  Decided I wanted to get up earlier today, so we left at 10:30 or so.  We could have stayed longer as most of the sky was still clear.  Clouds would float through every now and then, but not that bad.

                        We started out with Jupiter, it had all 4 moons on the one side.  I was looking for Venus, but wasn't seeing it.  There were quite a few clouds to the NW and figured it must be over there somewhere.  Then we did see it.  It was between a couple of the cloud banks.  Quite bright, couldn't miss it.. if there were no clouds.  🙂  Looking at Venus through the scope and it wasn't too clear, looked to be in a gibbous phase.  I guess the moon was right there close by, but I didn't know that until later after Venus was covered by clouds.  🙁  We watched some stars coming in, Arcturus was pretty early, waiting for Saturn.  So I arced to Arcturus, I then sped on to Spica and found Spica and then down to the left, there was Saturn.  So, by 9:00, we had 3 planets, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.. nice.  8)

                        Some thin clouds to start with.  Early before I could see too much, I did pick up M13, quite faint to start with.  Concentrated on some brighter objects, had M51, and M104.  Then I remembered Iota Cancri that Dean took a look at the other day and found it.  Nice double, close to Albireo in eyes.  Also M81 and M82 and the Leo triplet again.  Besides Iota Cancri and Venus, the other new object for the evening was the Ring Nebula, M57.  So things weren't too bad if you can pull out the Ring and the Leo triplet.  Can we say AGNFA again!  🙂

                        One thing to note about Keller, either something died out there or, it looks like perhaps someone threw out some old garbage/meat.  Something is rotten there.  Worse closer to the south end, but you can get it any place if the wind is right.. or is that if the wind is wrong?  ???  🙂

                        Dean Johnson

                          Good for you Jeff! I didn't get out with my gear, but after the Syttende Mai Queens banquet, the sky was totally clear in SG and I saw the Moon with Venus to the lower right and Jupiter to the upper left. Very pretty.

                          I am happy to say that my pretty Little Princess, Laura, was chosen as the 2d attendant to the Syttende Mai Queen this year. You should have seen the look on her face! Looks like we'll be parading this summer.

                          Glad you liked Iota Cancri, Jeff, it's a beauty. Man, we've GOT to get together at Eagle Bluff sometime soon…

                          bernie engels

                            I too got out on Sat. night, for the first time in over a month, I think.
                            About midnight, from Chanhassen area.  Light pollution not too bad unlesss looking to NE(Mpls).  Saturn was very pretty.  My two friends had never seen it before.  My buddy accused me of slipping a little picture of the planet in front of the telescope when he looked through the eyepiece!  His wife just gasped when she took her turn at the eyepiece!  😮
                            It's so fun to see that reaction from others :D.
                            Viewed Saturn, Jupiter and the crescent moon last evening with my neighbor.  Sky was more turbulent, but still viewable.

                            Dean Johnson

                              Good for you for getting out Bernie. Fun to hear of your reactions from your friends. That is what outreach astronomy is all about. 🙂

                              I had good news and bad news yesterday. The good news was that I took Betty shopping on Mommy's Day and picked up some more counterweights for my Celestron 11" SCT. It works perfectly, no sliding or sagging or anything. The bad news was that I had to tend bar at the Legion and missed a nearly perfect sky. >:( I was walking home and when I got into my alley, I looked up and saw the stars so clearly that I KNEW that it was a special night. ( I couldn't go out, though. I had to hit the road for Iowa early this morning.

                              Still, it looks great on the Orion SkyView Pro Mount. It is BIG. But it is kind of sad to see Old Reliable (my 8" Celestron SCT) sitting on the floor underneath it. :'( But that will be my quickscope/travelscope now. I have a name for my new scope. Since I got it from Duane, this scope will be "The Real Deal". ;D


                                Just checked clearskys and the weather forcast.  🙁 
                                Is there any hope to view anything celestial this weekend without driving for hours? 

                                Dean Johnson

                                  Hello Chris and Julie. Sorry to say that it is not going to happen.

                                  Stuppo, Ellenvega and I were going to view the occultation by the Moon of Beta Scorpii, the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, and try and see if we could see any evidence of the very slight penumbral lunar eclipse, but sorry to say because of the weather, NO GO.

                                  Too bad. David Coset (the French guy that works at Kwik Trip) was going to come on out with us and have some goodies. (French mustard, cheese and some wine).

                                  Oh well. Another time.

                                  Hang in there. We'll get AGNFA sometime! But I have to say, I have NEVER seen a stretch of bad weather like we have right now.

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