Same as Mike C above. Some of us will be at the Public Outreach meeting from 6 to 7 pm. The 8-11 forecast looks pretty good although the humidity will be climbing after 9 pm. I'll try to be there by 7:45 or so.
Had a great night at Keller thanks to Randy and Mike C! Now know more about autoguiding and astrophotography and for the first time I have seen Uranus and Neptune with some of their moons! Bob
No, we cannot observe tonight, and probably not tomorrow on October 31. But we could celebrate October 31 as a Dark Matter Day –
I am posting for Cindy and Nick Wiest, mother and son, who were at our meeting this week, who plan on going to Keller tonight. I will not be able to go, but they are definitely planning on going. Post if anyone wants to join them there!
Probably will not make it tonight as the wife and I are going to Zumbrota to hear the Collective Unconscious do a live cover of the BAND album, "The Last Waltz"; (they have done amazing covers of classic rock albums like Pet Sounds and Abbey Road). Sunday night looks to be warmer with temperature stability and less windy and may be a better night for Keller.
I think darkskyjim is right. Wind, temp and sore throat are affecting my thoughts of going out tonight. Maybe some observation from the comfort of my living room about 10 feet away from my scope. I'm going to have say no go for this evening as well. If tomorrow evening is clear and warmer, I will for sure go to Keller. Keep warm everyone.
I can't make it but rumor has it that Dean and Ellen Vega are thinking about going out to Eagle Bluff tonight and are interested in anybody else being interested. Post if you are!