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    Dean Johnson

      Hello astronomy fans! Tonight will not work for Eagle Bluff, but Sat. night would be a good one for us. Dawn is emailing me the restroom code, but it is the same one as always if anyone remembers or has written it down.

      I have to work from 5 to 11 a.m. tomorrow (again), but would surely make EB if others are interested.

      Note to Mrs. Gorp, if you can show up I can put the cash in your hand for the calendars.

      Have a great night at Keller and hope to see some of you at Eagle Bluff!

      Jeff Newland

        I'll out at Keller a little later than that Mike.  Probably thinking it will by 7ish, a little before or more probably later.  I don't plan to be long at Keller tonight, probably leave by 10 as I plan to head to Eagle Bluff tomorrow night.

        See you all at Keller tonight and Eagle Bluff tomorrow night!


          I'm planning on being at EB tonight.

          Dean Johnson

            I am packing up to go to Eagle Bluff. Be there somewhere by 6 p.m.

            Jeff Newland

              Anyone heading out tonight?  Doesn't look too bad.  I guess the wind may pick up sometime tonight?  Not sure if I will head out or not.  Hey, it's December and you won't get much better weather than this for December.  🙂

              Also… the ISS is starting a stretch where it will be visible over Rochester in the evening:



              Randy H

                Jeff, I was planning on at least pulling out the EVO on the driveway tonight.  Where were you planning on going?


                Jeff Newland

                  Hi Randy,  got doing other things, doesn't look like I'll head out tonight.  I probably would have gone to Keller.  Hope others were able to make it out. 

                  Randy H

                    Sounds good.  I'm just setting up now. Little breezy.

                    Jeff Newland

                      I don't know how clear it will stay early this evening, but the ISS pass will be bright, -3.4 magnitude.  A couple of minutes before 6 tonight it will start and go close to straight overhead.  Worth a look.

                      Future passes and times:


                      Sky path for tonight's pass,  starting a little before 6 PM.



                      Jeff Newland

                        Another bright pass this evening, Thursday the 10th.  Hard to believe, but forecasts say it will be clear by 5:00?  Hmm, seeing is believing. 
                        But… if it is clear, pass starting at 4:57 this evening, bright, -3.0 mag range.  This one is supposed to pass right over the top of Rochester.  So it will be a good long run, last over 5 minutes..  if it's clear.  🙂

                        Jeff Newland

                          I guess I can post.  Very messy though.  I also put an entry in the Messier Marathon thread.  Anything going on tonight?  Eagle Bluff open?  Looks like it may clear out.

                          Jeff Newland

                            Anyone going out Friday night?  Sounds like it will be clear and probably somewhat warm.  Or is it Messier Marathon Friday night at Eagle Bluff?  Moon sets about 9:40, 10% illuminated, so shouldn't be too bad.

                            Mike C:

                              If you are going out on Friday, I'll defiantly be interested. Keller or Eagle Bluff works for me.
                              Anyone else intrested?

                              Jeff Newland

                                Looks like it is supposed to stay clear.  Unless someone says Eagle Bluff is open, I plan to head to Keller tonight.  If Eagle Bluff is available, please let us know.  So.. plan to head out tonight.  Come on out.  Been too long of a time! 


                                Jeff Newland

                                  Haven't heard anything about Eagle Bluff, so guess it's Keller for me tonight.  I'll be out there sometime. 
                                  Mike, see you there then.  Anyone else, head on out to Keller.. 

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