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    Jeff Newland

      Don't forget the lunar eclipse tomorrow morning.  Totality from about 2:06AM to 3:25AM.  Partial starts a little after 1:00AM.  Sounds like it is supposed to be clear…  and coold.  🙂  I'll be out there every now and then. 

      Jeff Newland

        Just to clarify, tomorrow morning means it is tonight.  🙂

        Dave Gross

          Nice plug for the Rochester Astronomy Club on KTTC!  Jonathan Kegges quoted our fearless leader Randy regarding the eclilpse!

          — Dave

          Jeff Newland

            Eclipse coming along nicely.  Still some clouds passing through.  Mars and Saturn close by the moon.  They are all to the south.  Jupiter setting in the west. 

            Jeff Newland

              Quite a few clouds down here in SW Rochester, more clouds than not.  Wind picked up a little bit as well.  Nice red moon…  when it appears. 

              Jeff Newland

                Total eclipse appears to be done.  Now back to a partial again.  A piece of the moon getting brighter.  Still clouds.

                Luka B

                  I woke up and saw a few glimpses of it, but it was more cloudy than not.

                  Jeff Newland

                    Here are some pics in the partial before totality.


                    Jeff Newland

                      A couple during totality.


                      Jeff Newland

                        A couple after totality ended:


                        Dean Johnson

                          Nice observations, Jeff! Nice pics, too. The 2d one of the partial phase and all of your totality ones are really nice and match what Steve and I saw down here in Spring Grove.

                          We went out to the Myrah homefarm driveway, just 2 miles east of town and dropped below the ridge on the north side to escape the lights from town. We were there from 12:30 to 3 a.m. when the clouds drove us home. Matthew Myrah and his oldest daughter Stine joined us at 2:20 a.m.

                          We had a pretty good clear run at it up to totality, then we played "pocket astronomy" with the clouds until we got fed up and pulled the pin.

                          Still, we both got great sketches of the event. Stuppo's is a lot farther along with his astronomy artwork than I was at his experience level with the hobby. I was impressed.

                          AGNFA! Come on, warm weather!

                          Jeff Newland

                            If it is clear on Friday or Saturday, thinking of perhaps heading to Keller for a bit.  Anyone else interested?  Moon rises at 11:48PM on Friday and later than that on Saturday.  I'll probably be home by then.  🙂

                            Looking more possible on Friday than on Saturday. 

                            Dean Johnson

                              Tonight will be a snow free, not bitterly cold Flatin Farm night for me and hopefully Steve. He works tomorrow I think and may not stay until Moonrise, but I intend to.

                              What fun! Gook luck and AGNFA to all who observe the beautiful night sky. 

                              Jeff Newland

                                Any one else up for Keller?  Right now, I think I'll be out there. 

                                Jeff Newland

                                  Looking pretty nice out there.  We'll be heading out in a few minutes.  See you all at Keller.  Come on out!  🙂

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