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  • #10877
    Dean Johnson

      I was going to sleep out on my deck last night and saw a dozen meteors in about 40 minutes. Then the mosquitos got bad and I had to go inside. A few were pretty bright and one left a trail. They were beautiful.

      Please check out my post on the Star B-Q. It is in RAC events.

      Luka B

        I was out at Keller. Jim Blackwell, and his son Kevin where there already, as were Jeff Newland and his wife. It was a fun time. James Benthall came sometime after 11. I was lucky in that mosquitoes didn't really seem to want me even without bug spray. We saw several nice meteors, perhaps 10 that were between Mag 0 and 1, and many dimmer faster ones. Also one lasted about 2 -3 seconds and covered maybe 45 degrees of sky, very nice. No color or sound though. I was very dewy and parts of my char that I wasn't keeping warm got very wet. 

        Jeff Newland

          Clouds are still a ways away.  Clear SKy Chart showing clear till past midnight.  Trying to decide whether to try Keller again tonight or backyard?  Just might have to check it out again.

          Jeff Newland

            Clouds came in, pulling away again.  Anyone else thinking of going to Keller for Perseids? 

            Jeff Newland

              We're going to head out to Keller again in a little bit.  We hope it'll be clear for a little while.  Probably won't be there that long.

              Jeff Newland

                Finally got a better look at the satellite.  Clouds aren't that far away.  Guess we'll head to Keller anyway, but clouds may make it shorter than we were even planning to stay.  🙂


                  I'm coming out for a couple of hours, hopefully!

                  Jeff Newland

                    Saw 30-40 meteors in 2 hours.  Not too bad.  Some clouds rolling through.  Get pretty cloudy, then clear up quite a bit.  Mr. Benthall came out around 10:30 and was still there when we left as there were still a lot of stars to be seen through the few clouds.  I think quite a bit better than Wednesday night.


                      Jim or James please 😉  I didn't hang around too much longer after ya'll left.
                      Heck, if the weather gives us a chance I may go out again tonight?  Unlike the
                      last two days, I actually don't have anything going on tomorrow am!

                      Dean Johnson

                        Good news and bad news.

                        The good news is that it is going to be a GREAT night for observing according to the CSC.

                        The bad news is that Eagle Bluff has an herbalist symposium going on tonight and they have to leave the parking lot lights on until 11 p.m. Cheryl told me this is a huge group.

                        Local observing only?

                        John Preston

                          Bummer, looks like the driveway again 🙁

                          Randy H

                            CSC looking iffy now too. I suppose by huge group, they mean they'll be a lot in the parking lot, especially bad if they arrive as we are setting up. Is it officially off? Or will there still be a late "call to arms"?

                            Rick Murray

                              Weather looking iffy. Think I'll stay home & wait for a break.

                              Happy Trails

                              Jerome Taubel

                                Jillissa and I are still planning to go  My oldest daughter, Janell, and her significant other came up from Indianapolis for the Star BQ and are going to meet us there.


                                Jerome Taubel

                                  Meet us at Eagle Bluff that is.

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