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      What does Eagle Bluff look like for the weekend?  Saturday night especially looks to be warmer.


        Cloud cover is less likely on Saturday night also. Friday: 28%, Saturday: 8%.

        If Friday night is iffy, we'll likely head out to Keller on Friday, opting for Lanesboro on Saturday.


          The weather elves are driving me batty.  Tonight the sky chart indicates up to 60% cloud cover at Eagle Bluff.  Tomorrow night it's as clear as a bell, but winds as high as 40mph?  That's not good.  🙁


            NOAA is projecting 10-15 mph tomorrow with occasional gust to 18. Not sure which model will be right, but we'll definitely check again tomorrow afternoon.

            We're planning to be out at Keller tonight, *IF* it looks patchy enough to get some viewing in. We'll check in before we head out (7pm?).

            Dean Johnson

              Hello astronomy fans! Eagle Bluff has been contacted at 2 p.m. today, but no one was in the office. I don't know their plans for tonight, but if I can't contact somebody there I am uncertain about the parking lot lights and the code for the restroom.

              Tomorrow night is definately a NO GO at Eagle Bluff. They have a scholarship banquet going on for $45 a plate. It looks like a real fancy shindig.

              I can't go tonight, and not sure about tomorrow. My oldest sister Lorraine Lager passed away. She is 20 yrs older than me and was suffering from demensia. She fell and broke some ribs and didn't last a week in hospice. Maybe that is a blessing. Her ceremony is at 9:30 in the morning in Winona. Tomorrow night is my brother-in-law's suprise 60th birthday party.

              If I get out, it will be short and locally. Best regards to all.


                I just talked to Eagle Bluff.  They have their scholarship banquet Saturday night, Oct. 10, which I think she said is a big fundraiser for them.  They need to keep the lights on until everyone is gone, which will be 10 or 11.  Sounds like it will have to be local sites for tomorrow night.


                  Sorry to hear about your sister, Dean.  Sometimes it is a "blessing in disguise."  I had to wind my way through EB's phone system to finally get someone.  Sounds like they're already getting ready for tomorrow night.


                    My condolences, Dean.  New moon is Monday night, so next weekend might be good for Eagle Bluff, too. Tomorrow looks like a decent night for local viewing if the wind subsides, so take advantage!


                      Does anyone have information about whether Eagle Bluff will be an option for Friday night (10/16)?  Looks like it will be clear, not too windy, but cold.

                      Josef Ch

                        Just for record: Oct-30 – outside is raining, so there is no chance to see 2015 TB145 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_TB145
                        It should be between Orion and Taurus, 11 mag. Tomorrow Oct-31 7PM it will be in Bootes on west horizon less than 15 mag 🙁

                        Jeff Newland

                          Eagle Bluff available this weekend?  Tomorrow may be clear.. maybe.  🙂

                          Not sure about tonight, could be a little cloudy,  could be clear.


                            Any EB news for tonight?  Yes, it will be cold.  But how many clear nights with (slightly) above freezing weather do we get in November?

                            Dean Johnson

                              I put in another 54 hour week. I am tired. If I get out it will be to the Flatin Farm.

                              I hope that every wonderful amateur astronomer that gets out has A Glorious Night For Astronomy!!

                              Jeff Newland

                                Is Eagle Bluff available tonight or tomorrow? 

                                Looks like the wind will die down tonight. 
                                Probably not Eagle Bluff, but anyone interested in Keller tonight? 
                                Thinking about it.  Moon setting at about 6:30 tonight and 7:30 tomorrow night.

                                Mike C:

                                  I would be interested in Keller tonight.
                                  I should be able to get out there around 6:00-6:30.

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