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      Assuming it's clear tomorrow night, anyone up for some viewing at Keller?

      Jeff Newland

        That will work good Chris.  Randy is planning to have an outreach at Keller this weekend for home school kids.  Randy has another thread on that.  Did you see it?  But… I won't be able to make it. 

        Dean Johnson

          Weather providing, Eagle Bluff is a GO for this weekend. No one there Friday night, a colledge multicultural group there Saturday, but they will already be there and the parking lot lights will be off.

          We'll need to call Dawn before 4 p.m. Friday to get the bathroom code.

          I can't make it Friday night because of work on Saturday, but Sat. night works real well for me.


            Forecast is looking better for Saturday night anyway.  We'll plan on coming Saturday night.  We'd love it if you could get the bathroom code, Dean!

            If it looks like we might be able to snatch a little bit of clear sky on Friday night, we'll likely go to Keller for a bit.

            Dean Johnson

              Saturday night is looking fabulous. I would definately be there.

              I called EB (Dawn) and she didn't know the code, but it is the same as last time. (7579?) She is supposed to either call or email me with it. Does anyone have it written down? 7579 is what comes to memory, if so, then no call for Alzheimer's treatment yet.

              Best of luck to the intrepid RAC members invading Dixieland!


                I'll be there Saturday night if all goes well.


                  Jeff Newland, EllenVega, Chris, Joseph and I made it to EB on Saturday night.  Didn't last very late into the night since a heavy dew set in around 11.  We had a very nice group of kids who were there for the weekend came out.  They were enthusiastic about everything we showed them, whether in the scopes, through binoculars or even naked eye!

                  We had a good test run for our Astronomy outreach with the Stewartville Library this Saturday.  Mak-Cass was tracking Saturn – we'll have a good southwest horizon, so hopefully we'll be able to show Saturn for a little while.  Joseph practiced finding double stars and he did great:  Mizar, Cor Caroli, Albireo and Almach.  I think he'll even be able to throw in M13 for something a little different.

                  Not the greatest night, but hey, at least we were out under the stars for a while!

                  We missed you, Dean.  Hope all is well…

                  Jeff Newland

                    In case you haven't looked elsewhere on the forum, we are having a Lunar Eclipse outreach at Mayo High School Sunday evening.


                    Head on over to help out or to watch the eclipse with us.

                    quote :

                    Super Blood Last Tetrad Lunar Eclipse enthusiasts! 

                    Roughly from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM Sunday evening, we will have a pretty good prime time lunar eclipse to be viewed.  Dean Johnson has inquired if a few of us could run down to Spring Grove for an event he has on the west side of town for viewing. We also have permission to set up on the field just east of the tree line on the east side of the parking lot outside of Door 6 at Mayo High School.  I am looking for local and/or traveling volunteers to set up any type of scope or binoculars at either venue. If we have enough bodies, we can send out notices to the press that we will be available.  Post as soon as possible if you can be at either place so we can plan.



                    Randy H

                      Thanks Jeff!  Hopefully the clear sky forecast will prevail. I should leave the RAC sign(s) with one of you to have out at Mayo. I and Jerome will be heading down to Spring Grove to help Dean with his event. 


                      Dean Johnson

                        We are lined up for a big event for the Lunar Eclipse. The son-in-law for the lead person for the molding department will be here tonight and he works on the Orion Spacecraft program that will send Americans back into orbit in 2020. We could possibly have a huge group of people out at Spring Grove's wayside rest. Steve Remick has done a great job of lining this up.

                        Best wishes for all of you in Rochester. We hope you have a wonderful group as well.

                        Jerome Taubel

                          Looking forward to it, Dean.


                            Hey my name is Tanner and I'm looking to either borrow a t-adapter to connect my Canon t4i rebel to my netstar 102gt computerized telescope or borrow/rent a telephoto lens in order to get a good shot of the lunar eclipse tonight. Currently going to school in the Rochester area and would love to get a good shot of the moon tonight if possible. If anyone can help me out please call or text me at 320-492-2812. 😀

                            Jeff Newland

                              Hi Tanner, come on out to Mayo High School tonight.  You may find what you need there.


                                We're thinking about going out to Keller tonight for a while.  Love to have company…


                                  Friday night at Keller was good for viewing. Several of our neighbors/friends and their children were out. The kids went home about 10pm. AstroMom was having fun pointing out some of her favorites. We were out long enough to see the moon rise about 11pm. Then the toes started getting cold. Next time we'll need to bring some hot chocolate.

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