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    Dean Johnson

      Good Lord. I looked at the KTTC weather and it wasn't pretty at 6:15 p.m.

      I would now reccomend 'Local Observing Only'.

      If anyone would disagree, give me a call at 1 507 498 5177.


        If the weather holds as predicted, I'll be out Thursday night at Keller trying to capture some photons.

        Randy H

          And same for Friday night. We have some home school families and boy scout troops and families looking forward to Friday night at Keller. Sunset is at 8:36. Venus, Jupiter, and a nice crescent moon will be available early. The stars will appear about 9:15.  I instructed the home school families to show up either side of 9pm or earlier if they want to see equipment.
          So we need any club members with or without scopes to show up if possible. Stay tuned here for go/nogo status.



          Jeff Newland

            I should be there Randy.  Should be a nice day, hope it stays that way through this evening. 

            Randy H

              Thanks. It is still a "go" but it is a matter of high thin clouds versus something thicker.  I'm all loaded to go and will be posting again later this afternoon and early evening for a final call.


              Josef Ch

                I plan to go, and I hope at least one scout will be there. By http://cleardarksky.com/c/RchstrMNkey.html it looks like transparency and seeing will not be the best, but should not be cloudy, I hope.

                Randy H

                  I have talked to the other families. They are willing to take a chance on finding some clear skies. So it is a partly cloudy "GO" for tonight!


                  Randy H

                    Thanks Josef, Kirk, and Jeff for helping out with a successful "cloud" star party.  And thank our lucky stars that Jupiter, Venus and the crescent Moon plowed through the cloud bank with enough photons to impress the locals.  At one time there must have been over 30 parents and kids there.  Everyone dispersed as the heavy clouds came in around 10:30.  I joked to the gang that I could part the skies with one mighty slam of my trailer's tailgate, and sure enough, as I sit here at home, the skies are amazing clear.  Even though we ended up with the only 5 hours of cloudy skies in the past 4 days, it still was fun and the families were very appreciative. I will end with this:

                    Rows and flows of angel hair
                    And ice cream castles in the air
                    And feather canyons everywhere
                    I've looked at clouds that way

                    But now they only block the sun
                    They rain and snow on everyone
                    So many things I would have done
                    But clouds got in my way

                    I've looked at clouds from both sides now
                    From up and down, and still somehow
                    It's cloud illusions I recall
                    I really don't know clouds at all.

                    And thank you Joni Mitchell for getting it…


                    Captain Kirk

                      Fifteen minutes into Saturday morning the northern sky had cleared from the Summer Triangle to Ursa Major.  It's looking like that was the best opportunity for some scope time this weekend and I should have set up shop again after I got home from the event.

                      Jeff Newland

                        We're in a stretch where the ISS is visible 2, 3, 4 times each night.  Time to get out and get a look.  I was able to see it from inside the house yesterday just looking straight west out the window.  Here is the schedule:



                          What's the prognosis for going out tonight?  Keller?


                            Tonight and tomorrow don't look good, according to Clear Sky Clock. It's really a drag because I wanted to go observing…

                            Dean Johnson

                              Hello astronomy fans! Tonight the CSC looks good. Eagle Bluff is available and the parking lots lights will be off for us.

                              Anyone interested?

                              Dean Johnson

                                Well, the CSC was wrong. Too many clouds tonight. No Eagle Bluff.

                                Local Observing only.

                                The RAC does have an outreach for the TUNE kids group next Friday. I will be there along with Ellenvega and anyone else that can make it. Weather permitting, of course.

                                Dean Johnson

                                  There is an astronomy outreach event at Eagle Bluff for the TUNE camp youngsters tomorrow night, Friday, June 26th. The event will start at sunset, of course, fairly late due to the summer solstice, the Moon will be 2 days pass 1st Quarter, but Jupiter and Venus will be low in the western sky, but still visible from the parking lot.

                                  We should be able to give the youngsters a good show. I will give them a tutorial on the Moon since I have completed both the Lunar 100 and Lunar II, Ellenvega plans to be there to show them the planets and the other "Obvious Stuff" and anyone else that can make it will be greatly appreciated.

                                  The CSC looks pretty good. I haven't been out in a long time and if anyone else gets the urge for some telescope time, come on out. If we have dew issues, Vidal will be in the house.

                                  Best regards to all, Dean.

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