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    Jeff Newland

      Forecast looking good for Friday .. and Saturday.  I have the bathroom codes and I do plan to be out to Eagle Bluff on Friday.  Hopefully we can get a good group.  If it is clear on Friday, I'll be sure to be there Friday because you just don't know what Saturday may bring.  Looks like it should be good, but I plan to take it as it come and make sure I do get in some observing time.  🙂

      May head out on Saturday as well.  I mentioned to Eagle Bluff it may be both nights.


        i work tomorrow so didnt want to travel too far
        away from home. (one day i will since i've never
        even been to EB!) 

        Dave Gross

          I plan to be there.  What time will people be setting up?

          — Dave

          Jeff Newland

            Jim,  Eagle Bluff isn't that far, you could head out there for a little while and check it out.  Sunset is around 7 pm tonight.  You'll be able get a couple of hours in and still get home early.  🙂

            So, sunset about 7, hopefully I'll be there not too long after that, hopefully well before 8.

            See you all down there.  Head on out.

            John Attewell

              I haven't been to Eagle Bluff in ages.  If I can get some things done on time this afternoon I'll be there!  — John Attewell

              Dave Gross

                What's it looking like?  Think it will clear up tonight?  Pretty cloudy now.

                Jeff Newland

                  I'm counting on this just being some late day cumulus that will dissipate this evening.  🙂

                  I plan to go unless something looks really bad when I'm ready to take off.  🙂

                  Dave Gross

                    Would be nice to have a go/no-go.  If it is iffy, maybe it should be local observing only.


                      Two of us will be heading to eagle bluff tonight, Friday- unless we hear different regarding the weather.

                      Jeff Newland

                        Well Dave, things already appear to be clearing out some from what it was.  I'll be heading to Eagle Bluff.  It is a go for me.  Whether that is a true go/no-go, it is go for me.  🙂

                        Dave Gross

                          Sounds like a go.  I guess I'll have to leave now-ish.

                          Jeff Newland

                            Looking pretty good again, I'd say it is a go.  Not sure if you need to take off this early, less than an hour to Eagle Bluff.  Sunset at 7, getting close to 8 before you can see much of anything. 

                            See you all down there!  Not sure when I'll get there, looking closer to 8 now.  🙁


                              hope ya'll have fun! inertia is keeping me in once again…the stars truly
                              have to be in alignment for me to go observe after getting up at 5:00 am
                              and working all day. guess i'll have to settle for watching "Godzilla" on VOD
                              and eating ice cream tonight 😉

                              Dave Gross

                                Good showing at Eagle Bluff last night.  Alan Cameron, Robert and Diana Erhart, Jeff Newland, Jack Morgren and John Attewell.  Steve Remick came out to visit and help me spot a few (of the many) Messier's I have left.  Was good to see him.

                                A few naturalists from Eagle Bluff stopped out to take a few peeks and to discuss astronomy, missions to Mars and quilters.

                                Saw Saturn and one moon (Titan?) before it slipped down behind the trees.

                                I got a few Globs in Ophiuchus (M10, M12 and M14).  Couldn't see M107 or M9.  Although the skies were clear, it was pretty murky especially towards the southern horizon.

                                I picked off M70 in Sagittarius, but couldn't find M69.  And I got M2 in Aquarius.  Tried for M72 and M73, but couldn't get them.

                                Liking my new Alt-Az mount, red dot finder and tennis ball vibration dampening system (they really work!).  😀

                                I left around 11pm preceded by Robert and Diana.  Don't know how many stayed late.

                                All in all, AGENFA (A Good Enough Night)

                                Looking forward to hearing how Okie-Tex went.

                                — Dave


                                  All the okie-tex people must still be asleep… Six nights of stargazing in a row will do that to you!  🙂  Great times were had by all, and we gained a bit of a 'reputation'.  I'll let Dean write it up better.

                                  I managed to bag 82 Herschels.

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