A still image from today’s (Aug 6th) SOHO C3 camera showing a probable CME (red arrow) as well as a small comet (yellow arrow). See these events in the gif animation of C3 images above as well.
Very nice pic of the comet but it looks like that poor thing didn’t have a chance because you don’t see it exit on the other side of the sun. If you watch closely you can see it accellerate as it approaches the sun.
Lunar eclipse photos from early this morning. Fortunately, the sky was still clear and the moon well placed in the Western sky. Had a nice view thru my 7 power finder scope with multiple stars and possibly Uranus in the same field of view. Photos taken during early (Starblast) and late (guide) totality. Stills from Orion 6.3 M pixel camera videos with 1/2 second exposures.
Here is an interesting website that contains cool animations and graphics and data concerning the Moon’s occultation of Mars in December and the total solar eclipse of 2024 https://www.shadowandsubstance.com/
Comet 96P Machholz is back in the SOHO C3 sky swinging around the sun and at perihelium today (see the SOHO gif movie below. The last visit I believe was around Oct. 29, 2017.