Port Washington
May 1-2, 2020 at the Lakeview Conference Center in Port Washington, WI
Thank you for your interest in NCRAL VISION 2020! The Northern Cross Science Foundation is pleased to host the latest North Central Region of the Astronomical League convention. We have packed an enticing array of activities and world-class speakers to make your convention experience enjoyable and memorable. Read on to discover all that awaits you when you attend NCRAL VISION 2020, and find all of the information you need to reserve your seat today!
Our theme is “Vision 2020” which, in this context, suggests a clear view of amateur and professional astronomy. To that end, we have an exciting list of confirmed speakers:
Dr. William Dirienzo, Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy at University of Wisconsin-Sheboygan
Brandon Hamil, Minnesota Astronomical Society: “The Traveling Astronomer”
Dr. Franck Marchis, Senior Planetary Astronomer at the SETI Institute and Chief Science Officer at Unistellar
Kate Meredith, Founder & Director of Educaton at Geneva Lake Astrophysics & STEAM
David Prosper, Program Manager for Amateur Astronomy at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific & Administrator of the NASA Night Sky Network: “The Latest From The NASA Night Sky Network”
Dr. Angela Van Sistine, Data Scientist at Harley Davidson and former Research Assistant at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: “Astrobiology: Life Beyond Earth”
Banquet Speaker: Dr. Francis Halzen, Gregory Breit Professor and Hilldale Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Principal Investigator of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica
We have a few more speakers for Friday and Saturday being confirmed, in addition to finalizing a few topics with our confirmed speakers, so be sure to check back for updates.
Additional activities on Friday afternoon and evening include:
a Library Telescope workshop showing some of the construction steps as well as lessons learned from our experience with the program
a tour of the Jim & Gwen Plunkett Observatory at nearby Harrington Beach State Park, which features some upgrades to the building and the instrumentation since our previous NCRAL hosting.
Additional Friday afternoon and evening activities are being discussed by the committee; again, updates will be forthcoming.
Friday dinner is on your own, although with the planned on-site activities we recommend availing yourself of the hotel restaurant to stay close to the action — menu is extensive, and includes several traditional Friday Fish Fry selections.
Saturday lunch and dinner meals will be catered, served buffet-style, and are included as part of your convention registration:
Hot ham & pineapple
Chicken tips with cream of mushroom sauce
Mashed potatoes
Glazed carrots
Dinner rolls w/butter
Pepper steak
Chicken schnitzel
Sautéed tilapia
Greek potatoes
Green beans
Tossed salad
Greek salad
Dinner rolls w/butter
NCRAL VISION 2020 Celebration Cake
Coffee, water and light snacks will also be provided throughout the convention.
Note that the convention hotel provides a hot breakfast each morning for those staying on-site.
We are excited to host you at NCRAL Vision 2020! You may sign up using either traditional printable forms, or you may sign up online:
If you would like to use the paper registration forms and mail in your information and payment, download the printable PDF.
If you want to sign up online, there are three steps to getting yourself set up for this astronomical experience:
Step 1 — Register for NCRAL Vision 2020 here.
Step 2 — Purchase NCRAL Vision 2020 apparel to be picked up at the conference here.
Step 3 — Secure lodging, if needed (see below)
Questions? Email us.
We have a block of rooms at the conference hotel reserved for NCRAL Vision 2020 guests. Most are double queen, but some are single king. They are all offered at the same discounted rate of $109/night (plus tax) based on double occupancy. Additional occupants for these rooms are $10/night (plus tax). All registered guests will enjoy full use of the hotel facilities, including indoor pool, whirlpool, fitness room, game room, and full hot breakfast each morning. Our block of rooms will be open until April 1, 2020, and is limited in number, so don’t delay! Call the Country Inn & Suites in Port Washington, WI at (262) 284-2100 and ask for the NCRAL Convention rate. You may also want to peruse their website.