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    bernie engels

      Ditto on the elusive whirlpool galaxy :-\
      I sure could use some pointers on finding that one myself… anyone?

      Jeff Newland

        Hi Chris, you should have led the charge and asked about Keller, I might have taken the bait if it was offered.  🙂

        For you and Bernie..
        For M51, here is a description from Phil Harrington's Starwatch book that I use to find it:

        "Begin at Alkaid, the end star in the handle of the Big Dipper.  Hop to the star 24 Canum Venaticorum, a 4th magnitude star just over the border in the constellation Canes Venatici.  From here, visualize an isosceles triangle formed by Alkaid at the northwest corner, 24 Canum as the center point, and a third point an equal distance away from the star 24 Canum as is Alkaid.  If you aim your binoculars or telescope's finderscope in this area and look carefully, you should notice a rectangle of 4 faint stars.  M51 lies just inside the rectangle's northeast corner. "

        The rectangle of 4 faint stars is not a nice rectangle, 4 sided anyway.  🙂

        Good luck!

        Dean Johnson

          Hello astronomy fans, we had another great outreach for the Norwegian Ridge Language camp last night. I think we had double the number of people of the previous week. 3 astronomers (Scott Bingham, Steve Remick and myself), 12 adults and between 20 to 30 kids. Stuppo tried to get a count, but you know kids, it is hard to get them to stay still.

          We did the Sun, but not much since the clouds were thick when the public got out there. Us 3 got a great look at it prior to the public coming out, and there is an enormous amount of activity going on. We could have used Randy or Kirk with their solar scopes in H-alpha.

          The Moon, Saturn, Venus, some naked eye observing, Arcturus stories and viewing, an ISS pass at 9:13 p.m., Alcor and Mizar and Polaris for double stars to finish off the evening. Lots of "Cools", "Wow's" along with "I can't see it'"s. (Some of the little kids couldn't get the correct eye relief.)

          Kari Tauring was out there with her Norsk astronomy folklore and for the grand finale, Stup and I saw the next pass of the ISS at 10:51 to 10:54 p.m. It went right above the Moon and Saturn. AGNFA!!

          bernie engels

            Thanks, Jeff for the pointers on M51(pun intended).
            I think that maybe I have been looking for a galaxy that is bigger than what it really is, from our viewpoint anyway…
            Hope to get out with you again soon 🙂


              Don't forget the "super" moon tonight.  Hope the clouds go away…….

              Jeff Newland

                Eagle Bluff this weekend?  Moon will be setting after midnight.

                Dean Johnson

                  Yes. Eagle Bluff is open for us this weekend and next. Friday, June 28th doesn't look so good, but maybe Saturday will favor us. Wouldn't that be a nice birthday present if it is clear that night and the RAC could get together?

                  July 5/6 is open too.

                  Stuppo and I are going to the Flatin Farm tonight, and David Coset is coming out there as well. I know it is a long way to go, but anyone and everyone is welcome to join us.

                  Jeff Newland

                    Anyone thinking of going to Keller tonight?  If someone says they will, I'll probably head out there for a bit then.


                      Jeff, I'll come down to Keller tonight, the sky looks so good and it's warm
                      Alan Cameron

                      Jeff Newland

                        Hi Alan, ok, I'll head down there too then.  See you down there.  Generally, it'll probably be pretty close to 10:00 before you can see much.  Sunset about 8:57 or so.

                        Dean Johnson

                          Last night David Coset and I looked at Venus, Saturn, and M57, when my old buddy Bob Selness showed up unexpectably. Bob and I were rookie tree planters in the winter of 1983/1984, Both of us have over a million trees in the ground by hand. Bob came on out because he knew the sky was clear and that there was a good probability of me being out there! 😮

                          After M57, we looked at Alberio, (Beta Cygnus),  M5, M3, M8, M20 and M22. David told me the correct pronunciation of the French astronomer Le Gentil. (LAY-JENTI). French is very confusing, but a beautiful language. "Tre joli" is 'beautiful' in French. It sounds like one word when it is prounounced. 8)

                          Moonrise was at 11:55 p.m. I showed the guys the two big craters near the terminus, Aristoteles and Eudoxus and then packed up and headed for home at 1 a.m.



                            Previously mentioned July 5/6. Is EB open? Quick glance at the forecast: Fri night looks better than Sat.

                            Anyone know how fireworks look at Keller on the 3rd or 4th?

                            bernie engels

                              Got out last weekend (down near Marshall).  Finally got to show my 80 y.o. mom what saturn looked like through a telescope.  She was amazed, to say the least!  Also pointed out venus, alcor/mizar, and several constellations…  your never to old to star gaze 😀
                              Saturday night, once again searching for M51, and finally found it!  My wife and two other good friends with to share in my excitement.  My wife said, "you mean those two fuzzy things?"  When I explained how far away they were in relation to our "stars", she understood my excitement at finally finding it.  Going to the north shore(Grand Marais area) for the holiday weekend, and hoping the fires in Manitoba abate to that I can take advantage of the dark skies up there.
                              Here's wishing you all safe weekend with clear skies wherever Independence day finds you!

                              Dean Johnson

                                Reply to Mr. Gorp's inquiry. Yes Eagle Bluff is available both Fri/Sat night.

                                I have to tend bar Fri night, Sat I am scheduled to do a private astronomy outreach for my old tree planting buddy Vance Bartell and his family who are here from Michigan.

                                I sure wish I had Fri night off, but I don't think I can get out of it. Tonight, tomorrow and Sat. for me.

                                I hope for AGNFA for all you who get together.

                                Dean Johnson

                                  I will be able to make EB Sat. night after all. I did the outreach thing for my buddy last night.

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