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    Luka B

      I'm going to keller too.

      Jeff Newland

        A couple of good nights at Keller.  Rebecca,  glad you had a good time on Thursday night. 

        Friday night turned out to be a good night, too.  I think a little better seeing than on Thursday night.  We had a good time.  Gerarda and I were there.  When we headed out, I started to wonder as some clouds had moved in.  I figured/hoped they would be short lived and clear up.  In a little bit Luka showed up and chased the clouds away.  I'll have to call him St. Luka, he chased the clouds out of Keller.    ;D
        Later, Chris and Julie showed up.  We had good time.  Luka was getting some good images of the Orion Nebula.  We hope he'll post them somewhere for us all to look at when he finishes with them.  The rest of us were just looking at this and that and enjoying the great weather and all the stars.  🙂

        We stayed long enough for Saturn to peek over the top of the trees to the east.  Been a long time since I saw Saturn.  So 4 planets, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn.  Towards the end, took a look at M3, found the Leo Triplet, and Sombrero Galaxy (M104). 

        Not quite sure about tonight, two nights in a row starting to get to me.  🙂  I think it looks like it'll clear, but there could be a bit of a wind out there tonight.



          The night turned out much better than I expected. The wind wasn't an issue, the clouds disapeared or didn't obstruct where we were lookings.

          I learned a good deal more about out equipment. Itching to get our Telrad mounted so it's all ready for the Messier Marathon this weekend. But even more, learned more about the eye pieces that we have.

          Thanks Jeff and Luka! 

          Some might call it eye peice envy (can you ever have enough). They borrowed their eye pieces and I (we) compared how it perfromed on our OTA. WoW. What a difference a good glass can make!

          I've heard it said that good eye pieces can make a good scope perfrom great. I SEE what they mean.  (Those of you who have been getting the Nagler and Ethos all along, this should be a confirmation of why.)

          On Sunday, Julie and I debated what kind of lenses to upgrade our scope.  How far up the scale do you go, how much to invest in 1-1/4inch eye peices — especially since we plan on purchasing a 10-12-14 in light bucket, which will have 2 inch eye pieces. Thanks for the tip from Luka that you can get an 1-1/4 adapter to 2in, but not the other way around.

          One final thought, On Sunday, Julie and I realized that there wasn't any dew when we were out. That was nice.

          Looking forward to Friday Night and warm temperatures — and praying that it clears up.

          Jerome Taubel

            Looking bleak for a Messier Marathon tonight.


              Trying for Sat. night for the marathon?

              Randy H

                Judging from the radar, today we need to live about 50 miles to the west.
                Tomorrow night may be the MM night, although I may not show up until late due to prior commitment.

                Dean Johnson

                  Yeah, tonight is definately off.

                  Tomorrow night looks like a 'maybe' to good night. Sally at Eagle Bluff said there's nothing going on, so we'd have the place to ourselves.
                  Wouldn't that be nice?

                  Hope for the best.

                  Jerome Taubel

                    Clear Sky Chart saying it would be a tough night at Eagle Bluff but OK at Keller up until about midnight tonight (Saturday).  Anyone interested?

                    Jeff Newland

                      I'm ready for either place.  Rochester CSC was refreshed this afternoon and EB hasn't been.  Eagle Bluff may look better if it refreshes.  It's trying to clear up out there.  I'll be going somewhere for sure.


                      Jeff Newland

                        And just like that, the Eagle Bluff CSC has now updated and it looks a little better than Rochester now! 

                        Eagle Bluff instead of Keller now?  It would be nice to get us all together.  🙂


                        Jeff Newland

                          Going by the CSCs, Eagle Bluff looks just as good as Rochester.  We plan to head down to Eagle Bluff.  See you all there!  🙂



                            Looks like I will load up the car for Eagle Bluff!!  B

                            Jerome Taubel

                              Eagle Bluff it is!  Jillissa and I will be there! 

                              Dean Johnson

                                Just got back from the woods.

                                I'll be on yhe road by 7:30.

                                C'mon skies!!


                                  Julie will be joining the crew. Unfortunately, I have to work on a software upgrade starting at about 1am.  🙁  Next time.

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