29223 County 28 Blvd
Frontenac, MN 55026
8:30 PM Presentation about Sky
Join us for a captivating evening under the stars! John Atwell will guide us on a celestial journey, exploring the wonders of the night sky. From the birth and death of stars to the vast expanse of galaxies, we’ll delve into the mysteries of the cosmos. We’ll also discuss the unique beauty of the summer sky, highlighting constellations, planets, and other celestial phenomena visible during this magical time of year. This public lecture is perfect for stargazers of all ages and will leave you with a renewed appreciation for the universe above.
John Attewell, PhD. is a vice president of the Rochester Astronomy Club. John is a retired statistician and he observes the sky with a Newtonian telescope on an equatorial mount. He is an officer of the North Central Region of the Astronomy League (NCRAL) and he is a Representative to the National Council of the Astronomy League.
9:30 PM Observing
Public Sky Observing of the planet Mars, bright stars, double stars, and more by telescope with guidance members of the Rochester Astronomy Club.
NASA and Astroleague have prepared an observing challenge for the general public on the 35th anniversary of the Hubble launch. To earn a silver certificate, you must do some outreach (on the web or in person) and observe at least one featured object each month and take a photo or draw it. Submit no later than the end of the following month. See more at Astroleague, NASA – July .
What to expect at Public Sky Observing – click here.
Resources: In the Sky July/2025, Phases of the Moon 2025, Planets rise and set 07/26, Sun and Moon 07/26, Sun today, Holidays 2025
Moon Features You Can See From Earth,
Messier list, Caldwell list, Double stars list, Carbon stars list
Month | Day | DoW | Location | Sunset | Start | End | ☽ age | Planets | Title |
Jan | 10 | Fri | Oxbow Park | 17:03 | 6:00 PM | 7:30 PM | 8.0 | John Attwell: Mars Orbit | |
Feb | 07 | Fri | Oxbow Park | 18:30 | 7:00 PM | 8:30 PM | 9.9 | ☿ |
Bob Fealey: Winter Sky |
Mar | 07 | Fri | Oxbow Park | 19:06 | 7:30 PM | 9:00 PM | 8.4 | ☿ |
Jay Mclaren: Messier Catalogue |
Apr | 04 | Fri | Oxbow Park | 19:42 | 8:30 PM | 10:00 PM | 6.9 | Randy Hemann: Aurora Borealis | |
May | 02 | Fri | Watson | 20:16 | 9:00 PM | 11:00 PM | 5.4 | 5/3 Astronomy Day | |
May | 24 | Sat | Root River Park | 20:40 | 9:30 PM | 11:30 PM | 26.6 | ||
May | 30 | Fri | Eagle Bluff | 20:45 | 9:30 PM | 4:15 AM | 3.4 | @Members night | |
Jun | 06 | Fri | Watson | 20:51 | 9:30 PM | 11:30 PM | 10.5 | ||
Jun | 21 | Sat | Root River Park | 20:58 | 9:45 PM | 11:45 PM | 25.2 | ☿ |
Jul | 04 | Fri | Watson | 20:57 | 9:45 PM | 11:45 PM | 9.0 | ☿ |
Jul | 19 | Sat | Root River Park | 20:48 | 9:30 PM | 11:30 PM | 23.9 | ||
Jul | 26 | Sat | Frontenac | 19:11 | 8:30 PM | 11:30 PM | 27.4 | Presentation and observing | |
Aug | 01 | Fri | Watson | 20:35 | 9:15 PM | 11:15 PM | 7.5 | ||
Aug | 16 | Sat | Root River Park | 20:13 | 9:00 PM | 11:00 PM | 22.6 | or Forestville? | |
Aug | 22 | Fri | Eagle Bluff | 20:08 | 9:00 PM | 3:45 AM | 28.6 | @Members night | |
Aug | 29 | Fri | Watson | 19:52 | 9:00 PM | 11:00 PM | 5.9 | ||
Sep | 09 | Tue | Elgin | 19:30 | 8:30 PM | 10:30 PM | 1.3 | Observing, after full Moon | |
Sep | 13 | Sat | Root River Park | 19:24 | 8:00 PM | 10:00 PM | 21.3 | ||
Sep | 20 | Sat | Frontenac | 19:11 | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | 27.4 | Presentation and observing | |
Sep | 24 | Wed | Dodge Center PL | 19:04 | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM | 2.6 | Presentation and observing | |
Sep | 26 | Fri | Watson | 19:00 | 8:00 PM | 10:00 PM | 4.4 | 9/27 Astronomy Day | |
Oct | 18 | Sat | Root River Park | 18:21 | 7:00 PM | 9:00 PM | 26.9 | ☿ ♄ ♆ | |
Oct | 31 | Fri | Oxbow Park | 18:02 | 6:30 PM | 8:00 PM | 9.3 | ♄ ⛢ ♆ | Presentation |
Nov | 28 | Fri | Oxbow Park | 17:35 | 6:00 PM | 7:30 PM | 7.7 | ♃ ♄ ⛢ ♆ | Presentation |
Dec | 12 | Fri | Oxbow Park | 17:33 | 6:00 PM | 7:30 PM | 22.8 | ♃ ♄ ⛢ ♆ | Presentation |
event | July 19 previous | next August 01 |
☿ – Mercury, – Venus,
– Mars, ♃ – Jupiter, ♄ – Saturn, ⛢ – Uranus, ♆ – Neptune
Oxbow Park | Root River Park | Soccer Fields | Out of Rochester | Moon visible |