Home Forums RAC Main Forum General Discussion RAC Logo Redesign


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      Many years ago I created the RAC logo, and it although it has changed a bit since then I have always been troubled with the whole thing because it isn’t a two-tone logo, meaning it can’t be made with a single color. A single color logo makes it much easier to put on hats, shirts, or a vinyl cutout which is what I’m trying to do right now.

      The trick is, the Moon itself almost requires more dynamic range, with the dark part, the terminator, and the visible part—the latter both having details.

      I’ve come up with this… kind of cheating the dynamic range by using more alternating black-white exchanges near the terminator and less on the bright side.RAC Logo idea

      Better? Worse? Indifferent? Unnecessary?


        Of course this still requires two logos, one for dark on light and one for light on dark.

        RAC Logo Inverse

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