Home Forums RAC Main Forum Newsletter Resurrecting the Newsletter

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  • #10176

      This is Bill Davidson. I would like to get our newsletter back into publication with your help. I would like to know when our last newsletter was published (is it on our website? If not, I need a copy of this particular newsletter.). Anyone that has had experience in dealing with the newsletter and wouldn't mind if I pick your brain please let me know. I'll start taking your pictures (please let me have the details about the image), any personal accounts or articles (text format or MS Word doc format), anything that can be sent electronically, to my email account wdavidso@smumn.edu. I want to start an archive of information for the club. Also, I am in pursuit of developing the history of our club. Having been a past president, I have some knowledge of the subject but hope someone can fill in the early days.

      Keep Looking Up!

      Dean Johnson

        Hello Bill! I am really looking forward to writing for the newsletter again. I am itching to write about the RAC's trip to Okie-Tex.

        I love our club. The RAC is fun, talented, and brainy. That is a hard combination to beat.

        Captain Kirk

          Bill,  The TCAA folks who hosted NCRAL 2016 in Bloomington/Normal, IL participate in some kind of newsletter exchange.  That may be worth investigating.  Kirk

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