Home Forums RAC Main Forum Outreach Programs June 2017 Eagle Bluff Camp

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  • #10203
    Randy H

      At the RAC meeting last week I mentioned camp activities occurring down at Eagle Bluff that would be occurring later this week.  The camps are called T.U.N.E camps:

      Although I thought there were 2 different groups down there this week (as I was contacted by two separate people), they are one in the same.
      Therefore they are looking at either Thursday, Friday, or Saturday for us to show the kids the stars. 
      They have 40+ kids.  They is actually a separate group at Eagle Bluff and they may join in. Not aware of their name.

      Dean Johnson can make it up to E.B. on Thursday night, but not the other nights.  He is going to call a few folks to help him out.
      If weather is better for Friday or Saturday night, we would need other club members as Dean has a commitment both those nights.
      Being a schmuck, I am actually out of town Thursday afternoon through the weekend.
      Let me know (post here) if you potentially could help out any of those days.
      Weather forecast from tonight looks unsettled for the weekend.


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