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Dean Johnson

    Hello astronomy fans! I talked to Cheryl at Eagle Bluff. They do have a group there for dinner both Fri and Sat nights. I asked about the parking lot lights and she (at first) said "I think they'll have to be on until 9 p.m." I told her that for us to do a proper Messier Marathon, it would have to be dark from sunset on. "Maybe we'll have to find a different spot."

    She said "Hold on. Is sunset at 6:30 that night?" I said yes and she replied "Then we can have them off because the dinner starts at 6". 8)

    I asked about the lights coming on automatically a 5 a.m. and she said that she'll check with the maintenance guy and they can squash that, too. She will email me tomorrow about all this.

    Randy will have his trailer for heat, Ellenvega will print the list and call the objects, I will do the recording, and we can all have at finding the 110 Messier's. The record to beat is 82. All we need now is for the weather to co-operate. 😉