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Jeff Newland

    I think we'll be heading to Keller again tonight. 

    Hi Dean, no just like you, ISS was just out of view.  I should have had a wider field eyepiece in, but decided I wanted a closer view.  Somewhat of a mistake.  I was watching and it looked like the ISS would go above Saturn, so I moved Saturn a little closer to the edge, but not close enough.  I did just see a hint of the brightness at the edge of the eyepiece when the ISS went by.  Just needed to have a little wider FOV, which I could have done.    😛

    We had a good group last night.  Jerome and Jan,  Chris and Julie, Gerarda and I were there.  Rebecca dropped in for a little visit.    Chris was comparing eyepieces and checking out a few things.  I pulled in a few Messiers, Saturn, and Mars that we all took at look at.  M3, M5, M13, M27, M57, M104, M51, Albireo.