1000 Essex Pkwy NW
Rochester, MN 55901
*** Cancelled due to snow at parking lot ***
Public Sky Observing of the young Moon, planet Mars, bright stars, double stars, and more by telescope with guidance members of the Rochester Astronomy Club.
High above East will be visible comet 46P/Wirtanen
by binocular, from dark places maybe even by naked eye.
Observing will be on parking North of the Soccer fields at Essex Pkwy; near West River Pkwy NW and 41st ST NW
For last minute announcements follow up Rochester Astronomy Club (RAC) facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rochesterastronomy/
General public is welcome.
Credit: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
virtual sky: 8:00 PM, 10:00 PM with AZ grid, 10:00 PM with EQ grid, green meridian
Jovian moon events over night (CDT):
see more at http://www.shallowsky.com/jupiter/

Full resolution here

Full resolution here