Humanity Star

On January 21, 2018 rocket Electron on it’s second test launch from New Zealand successfully reached orbit. One of the payload was satellite Humanity star, which should be visible on the sky for less than a year.

Wikipedia says:
Humanity Star is a passive satellite, a geodesic sphere similar to a disco ball about 1 metre (3 ft) in diameter, designed to produce flares visible from Earth. It was launched into polar orbit on an Electron rocket by Rocket Lab. According to Rocket Lab, it is meant to be “a bright symbol and reminder to all on Earth about our fragile place in the universe”; however, it has come under widespread derision from the astronomical community. Its brightness is estimated to be about 8 magnitude under reasonable viewing conditions.

According to Heavens-Above on Thursday March 8, 2018 Humanity star should be for the first time visible above Rochester MN on March 8 early morning from 5:57 AM to 5:59 AM as a bright star 8 magnitude 14 degrees above East-South-East horizon. Evening pass on Friday March 9 from 7:34 PM to 7:39 PM will have highest point 70 degrees above West horizon, and it will be bright 4.5 magnitude, comparable to brightest Venus.