Home Forums RAC Main Forum Outreach Programs Public Sky Observing at Salem Glen Winery

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  • #10219
    Josef Ch

      When: Friday March 23, 2018 8PM – 10 PM
      Where:  Salem Glen Winery, 5211 60TH AVE SW, ROCHESTER MN 55902
      Description: Public Sky Observing of the young Moon, planet Venus, bright stars, double stars, and more by telescope with guidance members of the Rochester Astronomy Club.
      Observing will be on the patio and parting areas at Salem Glen Winery. In case of a cloudy weather there will be short presentation about sky observing with discussion inside of the building.  General public is welcome.

      Moon will be before the first quarter, picture from https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4604


        Looking forward to this outreach meeting.  There should be considerably darker skies (than 125 for sure) and there's a great view of the southern sky from the parking lot (checked it out today).  In the west  Venus and Mercury will be visible (more so at 7:45pm however) but there are trees that will block the view unfortunately.  Binoculars may help people see Mercury (some for the first time) as it is close to Venus.
        BTW, we should fix the RAC webpage calendar of events for March which shows 125 Live as the venue of the outreach program for March 23rd.


          Conditions looking cloudy and poor tonight. I?m wonder whether the outreach program at the winery is still a plan for tonight.
          Nick W

          Josef Ch

            Like weather forecast predicted, there was cloudy weather for this Friday event. In spite of weather, there was about 15 visitors, including two families with children, which brought their telescopes for help and advice. Bob, Julie, Chris and myself, we were able to show sky on Stellarium, present small mirror telescope, and to have a discussion in very friendly environment. Well spent two hours and more talking about future events as well.

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