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      Nicely done, Josef. We were at Root River Park. It’s a dim naked eye comet, but longer exposures can pull it out nicely. Here’s a vertical image with it a bit higher up in the sky.

      C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS
      2024-Oct-12 194mm 2sec f22 ISO3200

      C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS 2024-Oct-12 194mm 2sec f22 ISO3200


        Very nice pics Duane and Kirk!  We spotted the comet just east of due W and close to  the elevation of Venus.  Was difficult to see until the western sky darkened a bit and then it was a good binocular object with a 7 to 10 degree tail.  The photos above nicely capture what could be seen with binoculars.  As the comet climbs higher in the west each subsequent night one can expect easy naked eye viewing and great pictures.  Lets hope the weather allows.

        Captain Kirk

          Here are the details for Salem Glen viewing of C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS tonight.  We can park on the grass field near the hill so we don’t have to carry gear all the way from the parking lot.  We can set up any time after 5:00pm.  The winery closes at 5:00pm so arrive earlier if you wish to enjoy their wares.  We will pack up by 9:00pm.

          The address is 5211 60th Ave SW, Rochester, MN 55902.


          The forecast is for clouds to break up a bit around 6:00 and it will be windy.


            Thank you Bob, for spotting it first. Once you directed my eyes to the right spot I could see it. Before that it was invisible.

            Captain Kirk

              Weather looking a bit sketchy, but I am headed to Salem Glen regardless.

              Captain Kirk

                Here is what little view Dustin and I managed from Salem Glen.  From 6:00 to 6:20 the clouds parted but by 7:00 they were thick again.  We waited for several holes in the clouds to blow over with the best views coming at 7:43.  The tail was visually noted before taking the photos with my phone to confirm.  We never did see Venus.


                  The comet is now a pretty obvious naked eye object.  I was alone at Root River Park tonight and can heartily recommend this site as a great place to view the comet as it climbs higher in the western sky.  I had no trouble seeing the comet’s 10 degree tail and will be here tomorrow to take some pics.

                  Josef Chlachula

                    I had a meeting at Assisi Heights till 8 PM tonight, actually little bit longer. After, I tried to look at West horizon, I saw  Arcturus, not Venus. I did not see comet A3 with certainty.

                    I hope I will go to the Root River park on Tue 10/15 to see A3 coma next to the M5, about 1 degree apart.


                      Getting this message when posting: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/there-has-been-a-critical-error-on-your-website-134/.  Is there a work around or what am I doing wrong!?


                        One more time: a view last night 10-14 at RRP


                          So glad to see several of you out there tonight.

                          I processed my first comet images from tonight (Oct 15th 2024) and got a surprise. M5 is up and to the right of the comet!  In this image you can also make out the other tail (pointing forward). I’m so glad I got out!


                            This comet shot is from a mix of exposure times. I was tracking on stars, but registered the comet. I fixed the horizon but did not correct the stars (so they are trailing). Look how long that tail is. The saturation in the sky is the way the camera saw it. I actually desaturated and corrected out some of the blue.. and it’s still rather saturated and blue.

                            The frames were a mix of exposure times (some more, some less). Mainly because my phone quit controlling my camera at the end of the night so I just clicked away in bulb mode.


                              Great shots Duane that show the extent of comet C 2023 A3’s long tail.

                              I’ve selected a cell phone picture that was taken through the 50 mm finder scope-2x Barlow lens- 20 mm eyepiece concoction that was guided by my telescope mount.  I’ve identified some stars and the globular cluster M5 as well.



                                Nice. Keep ’em comin’.   :).    The last shots I took last night was 8 shots with my iPhone. I stacked those tonight, aligned and stacked them, corrected the horizon, and stretched the image with curves to get this.


                                  Superb stacked image Duane!

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