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    Hello ellenvega (is Barb your first name?).  Please call me Bob!  No, I do not live in Preston but the wife and I were RV camping at Valley View.  The 'Valley' is that of Watson Creek and the campground is immediately off US 52 just north of Preston.  Some areas of the campground have a good view of the sky (especially the NE portion of sky) and the area lights are not bad.

    Was out this am as well, but was at home in Rochester.  Got out at about 4:20 am and saw the comet again as described in my previous post.  I should have been out there from 3:30 to 4:15 am for a better view in darker skies.  Could see the coma at least with the naked eye, but the view with 7 x 50 binocs was so much better.  Tried my 20 x 80 giant binocs but the sky was brightening too much by the time I was set up, as so the view was not impressive.

    Was not knowledgeable of the Driftless Stargazing observing group https://www.facebook.com/DriftlessStargazing/ but have heard of them and their website looks great, including up to date info on the comet.

    While it's great  the comet is now circumpolar and visible after sunset, my view of the NW sky is not great with Roch city lights and some trees.  Root River Park would be better.  Hopefully we'll have a good view on the dark sky weekend coming up.