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Dean Johnson

    Hello astronomy fans, we had another great outreach for the Norwegian Ridge Language camp last night. I think we had double the number of people of the previous week. 3 astronomers (Scott Bingham, Steve Remick and myself), 12 adults and between 20 to 30 kids. Stuppo tried to get a count, but you know kids, it is hard to get them to stay still.

    We did the Sun, but not much since the clouds were thick when the public got out there. Us 3 got a great look at it prior to the public coming out, and there is an enormous amount of activity going on. We could have used Randy or Kirk with their solar scopes in H-alpha.

    The Moon, Saturn, Venus, some naked eye observing, Arcturus stories and viewing, an ISS pass at 9:13 p.m., Alcor and Mizar and Polaris for double stars to finish off the evening. Lots of "Cools", "Wow's" along with "I can't see it'"s. (Some of the little kids couldn't get the correct eye relief.)

    Kari Tauring was out there with her Norsk astronomy folklore and for the grand finale, Stup and I saw the next pass of the ISS at 10:51 to 10:54 p.m. It went right above the Moon and Saturn. AGNFA!!