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Dean Johnson

    The night of June 13/14th was the astronomy outreach for the Norwegian Ridge Language Camp. This was the 2d year we have done this, and again, it was at the Flatin Farm (Cornfield this year). Scott Bingham, Steve Remick (Stuppo), Barb Hanning and myself were set up at 7 p.m. and we showed 24 kids and 6 adults the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Saturn. We were just about ready to go to the deep sky stuff, but since this group was the little kids, they took off after viewing Saturn. The older kids and adults come next week. We got rave reviews from the crowd, and I am still hearing comments how much they liked it. 8)

    Stuppo had to work the next day and left soon after, but Ellenvega and I stayed and went after some of the "really obscure stuff". We went after carbon stars and Barnard's star again. The carbon stars we went after were Y Canes Venaticorum, "La Superba" (a VERY beautiful star, but not at its deepest minima, T Lyra, and R Cygni. Then on to Barnard's Star and this time, we were 99.9% certain we could identify it. 🙂

    We also found and looked at NGC 6826 "The Blinking Nebula" in Cygnus. I actually found this before Barb did. "HOORAY!" She found everything else quicker. "I like to find stuff" was her comment. She does that and very well. We also saw an ISS pass at 10:50 and saw quite a few meteors. They were fast movers, very bright, and appeared to emanate from the area near Deneb. AGNFA! ;D