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Dean Johnson

    Steve and I got out for 3 hours tonight, joined by Dale & Sue Scobie, David Coset and Logan Deschler. An intense search for PANSTARRS took 40 minutes to find the small medium bright object. It was much smaller than I anticipated, but with a bright nucleus and a very broad tail. None of us could spot it naked eye, but then there were some low scattered clouds to the west.

    Lepus was checked out again, Jupiter like always and Leo's Triplet was observed. Gamma Leonis and M41 in Canis Major, plus a look at the Orion Nebula. The sky wasn't as good as March 6th, but it was good to see the comet after such a long wait and much hype. I hope ISON is better. I have serious doubts as to whether PANSTARRS can be spotted naked eye.

    I'd like to hear what some of the Keller gang saw.