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Jeff Newland

    Sorry you couldn't get out last night Dean.  It was a wonderful night.  We got there a little before 7:30.  Objects were popping out.  Started off sighting my finder by using Vega.  Since I was there, I moved over a little a started the night with the Ring Nebula, M57.  Really looked nice and figure then it would be a good night.  I then decided to head over to look at the Dumbbell.  While heading there, stopped off in Sagitta and hit M71, a glob, and then pointed the finder over in the Dumbbell area.  From the finder, I saw a smudge and said, no, can't be the Dumbbell, can it?  Sure enough it was. 

    Besides Gerarda and myself,  Mr. jlmanatee, Jack, came out.  It was his first time to Keller, I'm sure not the last.  He has an 8 inch Celestron CPC that he recently(?) picked up and hasn't used too many times.  A nice scope and nice views, I'm sure he'll be using it a lot.

    Mainly looked at a few Messiers, Double cluster, Albireo, Mesarthim and Jupiter once it got above the trees.  Jupiter had 3 moons.  Looking at the magazines to see where the other was at and determined that Io was behind Jupiter.  Looks like it might start to come out by 10PM?  We kept an eye out for it.  And that was probably the highlight of the evening.  Gerarda was the first to see it edging out the side of Jupiter a little before 9:30.  We left at 10:00 and it had gained quite a bit of separation from Jupiter by then.  Jack was still there when we left, I don't know how long he stayed.

    Yes, it was AGNFA!
