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Dean Johnson

    What a fabulous night. The Saturn-Spica-Mars conjunction was great, although the Moon was a little lower from the planets/star grouping than what I was expecting. However, Steve noticed a star near the dark side of the Moon and called my attention to it. It was a 5th mag. star and I knew right away that the Moon was on track to occult it. We both watched in our respective scopes and saw the star disappear at 9:35:45. Wow! It was one of the best occultations that I have seen in quite a few years. Low clouds and the bright Moonlight prevented us from seeing its' reappearance.

    Steve took off shortly thereafter and I stayed to nab 2 Binocular Double Stars, a variable star observation and added M22 to my globular cluster tally. The binocular doubles were Mu Bootes (1&2) and 15 Aquilae. Mu Bootes was a nice easy pleasing double, but 15 Aquilae gave me a challenge. It is a very tight double NW of Gamma Aquilae and very close to M11 in Scutum. I had to let the binocs settle and look closely to split it. It sits in a beautiful FOV. All of you binocular buffs would be well pleased to pursue this observing program.

    The dew was a little bit of a problem, but once I'm the first kid on my block to purchase a "Taubel Table", my worries are OVER!! It was AGNFA!!