Home Forums RAC Main Forum General Discussion Observing tonight? Re: Observing tonight?

Dean Johnson

    First off, I want to say "Nice images!" by Mike Corrigan. We need more of that posted to the forum.

    2d, remember that tonight and tomorrow night (April 2 & 3) are the nights that Venus clips the southern edge of M45, the Pleadies. Try to get out there with binoculars if nothing else, and I sure hope someone from the RAC gets an image of it. The weather looks iffy for both nights, but I'm going to try and view it.

    3rd, I got out again last night and was able to observe Rimae Hesodius in Paulus Epidemiarum (south of crater Bulliardus). That means I now have only three observations to go for Lunar II. Bygius A at Lunar sunrise and Lunar midday and Rimae Tresnicker a week from Friday during Last Quarter moon phase. If I get lucky with the weather, I'll get the 3 in two observations.

    See you on the 10th at Randy's!