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Dean Johnson

    I got out last night between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. My son Matthew helped me set up my stuff on the deck so I was ready to go when I got home from tending bar. I drank two cups of coffee and went out and got a fairly good look at Mars (polar cap visible, some vague surface markings), Saturn (Titan easily visible, 3 other moons with averted vision, no Cassini's Division or planetary banding, too windy) M13 in Hercules and the Moon.

    I nailed two Lunar II features last night. I finally got Crater Baco (Hooray!! "Only" my fifth try at it) and Rimae Janssen. Both are near Crater Hommel which I used as a guidepost to get my bearings in that part of the Moon. Mare Spumans and Undarum are in shadow and Crater Wargentin is in too brightly lit territory with an unfavorable libration right now, but it's nice to be heading down the 'home stretch'.

    Love the temps! (Not the wind!)