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    i went to the keller parking lot as suggested twice now, last night and a couple days ago.  it's a good spot.  figured out how to use the celestron 8 and got a few shots with my DSLR.  waiting on the radial guider and a barlow to complete the setup:)  saturn is tiny without the barlow but the moon was alright.  focus wasn't too good i have to set up a directory monitoring program on my laptop to help with focus.  here's what i got last night:

    also question about nebulas, i pointed my scope at the sword of orion last night before it set, and did a few 5 min exposures just to see what i could pick up.  didn't seem to capture anything on the image but stars, is that because of the IR filter in the camera?  i thought i'd get a hint of something at least.  karsten
