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John Preston

    Finally got some scope time last night also, worked with my new autoguiding system and about 10pm got in dialed in pretty good so I did some test pics on NGC891 (just for you Dean) and worked up a color version of M42. Didn't get back into the house until nearly 3am. Great night of viewing.

    I shot the Luminance with a nebula filter at 120 seconds, 20 frames, the R, G, & B at 60 seconds and 10 frames each. Next time out I noted I will need to nearly double the Blue channel images for my Meade imager to get better color from this channel.

    NGC891 was shot at 180 seconds for each L, R, G & B., autoguiding was good but at only 10 frames each and not using every frame I will need to up the amount of frames to really get the smooth detail I want, but the dust lane came out very nicely. Pretty proud that I could get the detail of a Mag 10 object.

    Additional notes from last night that my new portable battery pack worked great and the autoguiding is a life saver as no matter how good I had done polar alignment I could never go over 25-30 seconds without the stairs trailing off and getting at least 70% of the frames on a 2-3 minute exposure nice and clear was fantastic. I also found M1 which I've been trying to locate on several occasions, it was very vague much like M27, just a mist in the sky on my laptop.
