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    Wow was observing last night great, at least until after 2:30. The humidity really started to pile in then. (This year's Christmas Wish list: dew zapper, GoTo upgrade and polar allignment scope. Or maybe a  12-16in Dob. . . . .

    I didn't realize how much I like to search for twin stars.  First finding them with the binocs (good 8×42) then locate them on the scope.  I'm also adding to my list of things to bring to the next Star Party. Hot Choco anyone?

    I can't wait until the next star party. Anyone up for a trip to KELLER tonight?

    Thanks Dean, Luka & Jerome for pointing out so many features. I'm looking forward to seeing all of my new friends again — please excuse me if I don't recognize you in the day.

    Thank for a great time!
    Chris G. . .