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Jeff Newland

    We did go out to Keller last night.  It wasn't too bad out there.  We saw the ISS/shuttle at home and then left for Keller.  ISS was quite the sight.  Must have been the -3.3 mag that they advertised.  Very bright and I think you could even see some shape to it with the binoculars and even naked eye. 
    We got to Keller while the moon and Saturn were still up.  Took a look at them.  Swimming quite a bit in the murk as the moon set at 10:01 and Saturn at 10:48.  A little after 10, Luka and Ann showed up.  So there was four of us out there, them, me and Gerarda.  Somewhat cool, nice little breeze, no skeeters.  Luka left after 11:00, we left at almost midnight.  Looking at Messiers mainly:  M57, M27, M4, M5, M80, M22, M28, M17, M11, M26, M71, M81, M82, M51, M63, Albireo, Cor Caroli, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon.  A definite Milky Way.
    We saw the cloud that went over Scott.  It went east of us and did not really affect us.  It was very bright, big bright cloud while over Rochester.
