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Luka B

    I was out in the back yard on Monday and Tuesday nights. Event though it was a bit cloudy, the moon shines though the faint wispy clouds pretty well, and its actually interesting to observe the changes. There was some great shadows. I also noticed that Tycho is much harder to identify with the terminoator right on it than any day later.

    I also found M92 with binoculars.

    I've heard that some people on the internet think that the RASC finest NGC's and a few other lists are more compelling than the Caldwell. And some things on the Caldwell list are there for scientific interest, and not visual ones. But I'll probably work in it too, fairly soon. The tough thing about finishing the Caldwell will be the southern objects that you can't see from Minnesota.

    Rick, do you know where approximately the shadows were?

    Clear Skies.