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Luka B

    Well Saturday night at Eagle Bluff was good. When I got there at almost 11, Jeff and his wife were there, as were Kirk and Brandon.  Not too long afterwards, everyone but Kirk and I had left, however that was already quite late.  I did find some interesting targets.  The Cat's Eye nebula was one. Another was M57 and then M56. I was able to resolve some stars in M13. I also found M92, and M12 and M10. None were too exciting compared to M13. I also took a look at the Virgo cluster, and noticed that the galaxies showed a lot more extension. Especially M91, which I could barely see from Keller. To round out the Virgo galaxies, I found M61. I was also able to find both M51 and M101 in my binoculars, and both looked much better than in my 8inch scope at Keller. I did spend some time looking at the Ring and Cat's eye nebulae. I thought I could see a little dimmer spot in the middle of the Ring, but the Cat's eye didn't look like much.  I'm sure a narrowband filter would help, and maybe more magnification. The last thing we looked at was Albireo, which had risen just over the haze before we left.  We definitely heard some coyotes and various other creatures. I also saw 3 meteors.  The first I only caught a piece of in my binoculars, the second went through Draco's head at 12:36(right as Kirk and I were looking up there), the third near Arcturus at maybe 2:15.