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Dean Johnson

    You're getting around the sky pretty good, Luka. For you to find M79 on a moonlit night like last night shows some real observing skill.

    I had a moderately difficult time finding Comet Lulin, but just kept trying the region between Regulus and M44, and once I stuck closer to M44, it was fairly easy to find. It also got more noticable the closer to the zenith it got.

    I liked your comment on NGC 5053 near M53. That is indeed a tough globular cluster to spot because of a very low surface brightness. I never was able to see it in my Celestron G8 until I switched to a 2" eyepiece and star diagnol setup. Then I found that I could see it, but it is very ghostly. I showed it to Rick Murray one night at Eagle Bluff and he said, "THAT's it?" It is an observing challenge to be sure.

    I might try a 'First Quarter morning' this weekend if the weather permits. That's where I pack up my stuff and lock the van, go to bed early and get up and go out at around 2 a.m. or so after the Moon sets. It is really the last chance at getting some dark sky until the passing of the Full Moon. Friday would be better than Saturday, but after Sat-Sun night, the window of observing time gets pretty slim.