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Dean Johnson

    My report on the meteor should be on the AMS Fireball Page. From what Kirk and I saw, I reported it at 9:27:25 p.m. 40 to 45 degrees off the horizon (azimuth when it first appeared is 90 degrees). The meteor was mag. -5, not a bolide and no trail. Color white, duration 3 seconds. Still 40 to 45 degrees off the horizon at aimuth 45 when it disappeared. The meteor first appeared a degree or two above (west) of Coma Berenices, traveled south to north, split Alpha and Beta Canes Venaticorum and ended just short of Eta and Zeta Ursa Majoris.

    If you folks took notes or could compare verbally what you saw, you might be able to hammer out a report to the AMS.

    I got out last night for four hours. The first two were spent with Mrs. Wedmann's eight grade science class for an outreach event at the Flatin Farm hayfield. They got to see Venus, the Moon, the Great Orion Nebula, Saturn, 54 Leonis and dwarf planet Ceres (both in the same telescopic FOV last night), Comet Lulin and M44. Of course the kids didn't dress warm enough, but despite that, they were a very attentive and for the most part, well behaved group. It was a good outreach.

    I stayed for a couple more hours getting a Lunar II observation (Crater Lamont on the Sea of Tranquillity. Found out that is wasn't named for Lamont Sanford :'() I also got Saturn and Ceres for my Solar System/Planetary observers certificate and Comet Lulin. That comet is just amazing! It should be very close to M44 on March 4th, I think.

    Anyway, AGNFA!